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Hii guys........

I know everybody will get disheartened listening this.....

Please don't get upset........

Soon I am going to complete this book.......

My story came to it's end........

Every start has a end.......

Now only 2 chapters are left.......

I know you all gave me immense love and everybody loves this too.....

But there are many problems......

First it's my final year of graduation........

So I am not getting time to write or post the chapter.........or to think new ideas.......

And my many other stories are going on too...........

That's why I made a decision to end this book.......

Please support me in my decision........

And please don't get disheartened.......

I promise to comeback with a brand new story on anidita again.......

But it will take some time........

Till then enjoy my other stories........match made in heaven and United by hearts.........

Thankyou so much guys for loving this story.........

Today because of you all only I reached 80+ followers........

I didn't thought to reach all made it a big THANKYOU.......

Keep loving......!!!!!!!


Anidita : one soul in two bodies Where stories live. Discover now