9 - You're so beautiful.

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A/N: Sorry for being inactive lately but I had too much sutff going on. And yeah... This chapter is going to have some smut ^-^


The next morning, Liam woke up in Theo's arms. He wanted to get up, but Theo held him too tightly. "Theo, we have to go to school." Theo groaned in annoyance and shook his head. "Theodore Raeken." "Stop calling me Theodore, Dumbar." "Woah, don't call me that and get up." Theo smiled and opened his eyes slowly. "Can't we just stay here?" Liam sighed and shook his head. "Come on, Beacon Hill's new alpha." "Scott is-" "Scott is back at college. They left after you guys were done with the pack." Theo groaned in annoyance and slowly stood up.


"I heard Theo is an Alpha now." Mason said, leaning against Liam's locker. "Yeah, he is an alpha now." "And no one is afraid he might be raising an army to kill us all?" Mason asked anxiously. "I would never do that." Mason was startled and turned around. Liam smiled and took something out of his locker. "Hello, Raeken." "Hey, Dumbar." Liam closed his locker and pointed his index finger at Theo. "Don't call me that you little prick." Liam said, looking up at Theo, who had stepped up in front of him. Mason looked between the two. "Guys, I think we should go. Now." Theo looked at Mason, confused.

Liam looked in the direction Mason was facing and grabbed Theo by the arm. "Come on, Theo. We need to get to bio." Theo heard a voice echoing through the hallway and growled slightly. "Theo, stay calm." Liam saw Theo's eyes slowly turn red. "Fuck." Liam whispered and looked back into the hallway, only to look into Gabe's eyes. Liam tightened his grip on Theo's arm and pulled him with him into the locker room. He pushed him against the wall of the showers and punched him in the face. Theo's eyes were still red and the anger was still running through his veins. "Theo, that's what he wants! Calm down!" Theo put his hands on Liam's stomach and shoved him forcefully away from him, causing Liam to groan in pain and curl up with one hand on his wound. "Fuck..." Theo breathed when he saw Liam in so much pain. He went to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." he whispered in a broken voice. Liam groaned and straightened up to put one arm around Theo and hug him tightly. Theo looked down at Liam's stomach and sighed. "I'm sorry..." he whispered again. Liam shook his head and took Theo's hand. "It's okay." Theo looked into Liam's eyes and lost himself in them. "Do you want to go home?" Liam asked Theo. "I-I don't know..." Liam nodded slightly and put a hand on Theo's cheek. "We can go, okay? I don't know if I can take the last few hours anyway. Especially not after what just happened..." Theo closed his eyes and hung his head slightly. "Maybe it's better if you go home alone..." Theo whispered. Liam rolled his eyes and took Theo's hand again. "You're not a bad influence on me Theo. And what am I supposed to do home alone? Jerk off until I'm milked?" Theo widened his eyes and squeezed them shut the next moment, rubbing his hands over his face. "Why Liam? I'll never get rid of this image!" Liam chuckled and brought his mouth closer to Theo's ear. "It's for the diaper thing." Theo laughed and shook his head. "Just hearing you do it at night is enough for me." Liam blushed and looked into Theo's eyes. "I-I..." "You last pretty long little wolf..." Liam crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.

"You never heard me, did you?" Theo smirked and looked into Liam's ocean blue eyes. "Maybe I haven't." "So... Theo Raeken imagines me naked huh?" Theo looked at the floor for a moment and then back into Liam's eyes. He tilted his head slightly and crossed his arms. "What if?" Liam approached Theo's face, only a few inches away, and placed a hand on his chest. "Then that would be pretty creepy. I mean, we're sleeping in the same bed." Theo put his hands on Liam's hips and pulled him close so their chests were touching and they could feel each other's heartbeats. "As long as we're just sleeping in the same bed, I don't see a problem with it." Liam laughingly pushed Theo away and put on his backpack. "Come on Raeken." "You're coming to the charity party thing tonight, aren't you?" Theo shrugged, "I don't think so. It's not really my thing." "Uhhh right people. How bad." Theo punched Liam lightly on the shoulder and walked him out of the locker room, where they ran into Mason, who gave them both a distraught look.

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