Chapter No. 10 How Long Have You Known

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Hiya Everyone! I know I tend to disappear. But thank you so much for sticking around and supporting my work. I admit that my stories have a lot of cringe. I won't even start with the mistakes. After I finish this work. I will take a break from writing and start editing the first 2 stories. So it's a more worthwhile reading. Sorry, I have a bad habit of ranting. 

So without further ado, here is a new chapter of  Love Will Find It's Way Back or LWFIWB 


Also, please let me know in the comments on your thoughts. I am trying to improve my writing style and make it more detailed so that it feels like you're the character or at least I am trying. LOL!


Archer's POV:

I love my wife or as Eve says about-to-be-wife but she's too sharp for her own good. Christian looks at me stoic face but I know him better than he thinks. He's trying to hide his rage. I sigh but continue, "Before the Edwards' discovered her she didn't live the best life. The school she was attending was on sheer chance. The Valentines didn't care about her. They tried their utmost to ensure that she was not connected to her. Unfortunately, for them, all the social circles knew Alice's mother, Mary Osbourne. Due to this, they couldn't directly just get rid of her. But that didn't mean that she wasn't subjected to torture. She lived a life worse than a slave. Hence, you might have noticed that she wore either worn-out clothes or clothes with long sleeves. That covered her body, completely. She was threatened daily if it got out she wouldn't see the day of light ever again—" Seeing Christian's face he looked as though he was about to get up and kill them now.

Eve got up from my side and went over to Chris to hug him. Something I know he needed, "Rain... Why... Why her? She was just a little girl who'd lost her mother. Why was she tortured?" I am shocked to see my strong and collected younger brother holding onto Eve and crying.

He's not much of a crier, ever. He didn't even cry when he knew I was in a coma. Rather he was the backbone of Dad and Mom. He gave me strength when Eve was in a life-and-death surgery. There was no hope. But now he broke down. Which means he's in love with her. Oh no... This explains a lot of my unanswered questions... Getting up from my spot I head over to where they both are and engulf them in a bear hug. I should've figured it out the moment he asked me to confirm if the younger daughter of Valentine's was dead. Then and there I should've asked but I didn't. I thought she was some friend of his. I'd never imagined he was in love with her.

After some time he stops. I and Evelyn sit on either side of him, "Does she know what happened to her?"

Shaking my head I reply, "Just the gist of it. Nothing more than that. At least for now. Because of the trauma and pain of the past heavily burdening her mind, it's like it just shut down. Once, one of her brothers tried to bring it up only for her to end up in a panic attack, and then her mind erased the memory. Doctors want that she naturally tries to remember than being forced."

"Did Edward tell you?" Chris grimaces at even the thought.

"Yes. That's why he stopped you from talking any further. He won't stop her from meeting you if that's what she wants but the same can't be said about the other brother or father. They're protective of her." I answer.

Chris nods. Getting up from his spot he turns to leave the room. Eve wants to follow him but I stop her. He needs some time to think. Being alone doesn't help. But he's received more shocking information than he'd fathomed. He needs time to absorb it all. He needs to understand that Alice is no longer a Valentine but rather an Edward. Over the years we don't particularly have good relations with them because they don't do business with others. Adding Alice to the mix is going to take some time to accept.

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