Chapter No. 4 Evelyn Is Very Important For Us

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Chapter No.4

Alice's POV:

"I always have time for you, Ly. And anyone whom you want me to talk with," she says. And she doesn't look any older than me I'm guessing at most only a year older.

Since it's a video call I can easily see her, "Evie, this is Alice, daughter of the famous Wedding planner Rosy Edward."

"Nice to meet you, Alice, I'm Evelyn. How can I help you?" Evelyn says.

"Nice to meet you too, Evelyn. I was hoping if you could help me sketch the wedding dress you picture Lyra in. And pitch in ideas." I reply.

Lyra, Mark, and Mom look surprised, whereas Evelyn smiles, "Hmm, sure, why not. I was hoping that maybe Ly could do it on her own but I'd love to help out. So Ly what are we imagining as the basic color of the dress?" Evelyn asks.

"I don't know something not too white but not too out of the way either," Lyra answers.

"So how about champagne?" Evelyn pitches in.

"No... It's not what I'm looking for... I want a bit of color but not too over it." Lyra responds.

"How about off-white in color but detailing in a dusty rose? It would give you the color but not too much. It can be blended even more with a touch of champagne." I add.

Lyra's eyes sparkle with excitement and I know for a fact I hit the mark, "Oh my goodness! Is that possible?"

"Depending on the detailing and type of dress, I'd say pretty much." I smile.

The rest of the meeting is just like this as the two come up with the perfect mermaid-ball gown-type dress that is to set be a shocker, to say the least. Along the way, I got to learn that Lyra is a bit under pressure because her mother is still in the final treatment of cancer due to which she can't help out in any way. So she's pretty much depending on the Stans family but she values Evelyn's opinion a lot more than meets the eye. Even though, she's the youngest in the trio.

God, I'm starving! They offered that they'd have lunch arranged but I'd rather not. I never like to impose on anyone even if they're freaking billionaires like my own family, and I promised Xander lunch.

Mark sees me out, "How did you guess that for us Evelyn is really important? Even though she can't come for at least another month..."

I smile, "I hope I don't sound rude but I researched about you guys a bit on my way here and found out that Evelyn is the literal reason you're together today. So I had a strong feeling her choices mattered even more than Lyra's to a certain point."

Since the first time I see a little twitch on his lips as though he was trying to hold himself back on smiling pretty much like my brothers, "You're not wrong. Also, I have to say that you have brains. If you use it wisely I have a feeling that it'll take you far."

With that we come to the main gate where I can see Xander's car, a black metallic Porsche, Mark puts out his hand for me to shake which I do happily, "You guys are different than I kind of pictured rich to be."

This time Mark genuinely smiles not hiding this time, "A good different I presume. The one thing we hate to do is let the money get to our heads."

"Yup! It was great working with you, Mark, I'll visit tomorrow to see how the design is coming along."

I'm about to turn around when he stops me, "Wait! I wanted to ask you why you had suggested discussing everything on the patio."

I smile I had a feeling that he'd notice, "Sometimes the fresh air does wonders to our health more than you know. And it also helps to think more clearly. At least it works for me."

He smiles and nods, handing me a card so the next time I won't be stopped I leave the premises. Xander gets out of his car and always gives me a big bear hug. It's his way of taking away all my stress and it works like magic on me.

"So baby sis, how did it go?" He asks as we drive to the restaurant.

I smile and tell him everything since he's studying to take over Mom's business he listens to each and every detail. That and also because both of the brothers love hearing me talk.

Overall it's a good day, with no incidents whatsoever. Since the meeting yesterday, things have started to kick into place, and Mom is so busy that it seems to be a dream. I'm just glad I was able to help out.

Today I take my own car Audi a7 Daytona grey. A present from both my parents on my 19th birthday. Which if you ask me is a bit much but still really sweet. Reaching the checkpoint I hand over the card that Mark gave me and in a second I get the clearance and I enter the main gates. Parking my car I up to the porch, and ring the bell. A moment later it opens revealing a surprising person.

"Hi, you're Alice, the girl who I talked to yesterday right?" Evelyn smiles warmly.

Wow, now I know why her approval on things matters because she's a warm and loving person so of course, her choices would matter so much to Lyra.

I nod, "Yes, I'm Alice. It's great to meet you. I hope I'm not rude but weren't you arriving next month?"

She steps aside so I enter, and I see her nod, "I actually called in some favors because there was no way I'd miss Ly's wedding planning. She was there for in all of the time be it good or bad. And this is something very important to her, so of course, I'd come. And you're really cute!"

Well, that was unexpected, but yeah I hear that comment a lot of times because I'm only 5 feet 4. And because I keep my hair long and honey eyes I get that comment a lot more and many times get unwanted attention.

As we walk in Lyra spots us and comes over to hug me, "Oh gosh your design is just beautiful and no words will be able to do it justice, Alice! Thank you so much."

I smile instantly, "I'm happy that I was able to help. It means a lot to me."

At that moment a man enters the lounge with Mark, he has midnight black hair, with the most beautiful grey eyes I've ever seen. He's dressed in all black and oddly it suits him a lot! This is the first time I'll say that he's freaking handsome. He has a slight beard which makes him look mature but he rocks it like it was meant for him.

The moment his eyes fall on me he freezes in his place and the mug of I can assume the coffee he was holding slips through his fingers and we all hear a crash sound. Evelyn looks shocked at him so do we.

"Chris, are you alright?" Evelyn asks rushing to him.

He blinks once then twice as though he can't believe something, "This is some sort of horrible joke, right?"

"What are you talking about, Chris? This is Alice Edward, the miracle girl who designed Ly's wedding dress. And believe me, it's absolutely beautiful." Evelyn says.

But his eyes are fixed on me and it makes me a lot more uncomfortable, he moves, and Evelyn, as well as everyone, stands still, he comes in front of me, his eyes contain so many emotions, "Oh God... Alice, you're alive?! After all this time..." 

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