Chapter No. 13 Hurt Like Hell

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Alice's POV:

Dinner couldn't have been more awkward if we tried. I still have trouble due to my right hand being injured due to which Mom helps me. But the guys are quiet. Too quiet. I know Xavier is playing neutral. I'm fine with that. He gets Dad and Luis's point but he knows that I am right as well.

Mom wants to ask but stays quiet and I don't know if I am thankful for it or not. Mom has always been good at reading people. I lose my appetite quickly and excuse myself. I just have never seen this family so quiet, not even when the accident occurred or when they found me nearly dead. I know I am to blame for this but I am not backing down.

Changing my clothes, I sit on the bed and I hear a crunching sound. Looking down my palm is bunching up the note that Xavier gave before leaving. Opening it I am surprised by the name and don't know how exactly she helps... Before I have time to ponder on the name I hear a knock before I see Mom's head poking in from the crack she's created.

"Kiddo, can I come in?"

I nod, and she comes in and sits on my bed, "So, what happened? I know your father doesn't get angry. Not with his princess no matter what."

Gently holding my left hand (that's uninjured) she waits for my answer, I don't know whether I should be honest or not but decide to go with the truth what's the worst that can happen, "I asked him and the twins to allow me to train." Mom's eyes widen and fear is the most evident and her gentle patting stops.

"Please just hear me till the end and then react, please!" I plead and Mom takes a breath and then asks me to continue, "That day when I punched Beatrice even though it hurt like hell. It made me understand one thing very clearly. Xavier, Luis, Dad or even you won't always be always be there to protect me. Things are not always going to go as you guys want them to. If something that happens like what happened almost 6 years back, I wouldn't have been so scared if I knew how to protect myself. I knew Xavy and Lui would've found me eventually but what about if they were even a moment late?"

Mom looks as though she's gonna break down. I know she blames herself for forcing me to go with the guys to Beatrice's party even though I profusely said I didn't want to. But to understand my point it needs to be said, "I am sorry, I really am for bringing up such stuff but I need you to understand where I am coming from."

Tears start to fall. It breaks me so much that I hug her as tightly as I can. Because it's not easy for me either. It still haunts me to this day, "Mommy, please don't cry or else I'll start as well, then who's gonna stop us cry-babies?" I try to laugh fighting my own tears.

She manages to smile and wipe away the stray tears, and sniffling says, "I'm okay. Continue, I'm listening and starting to understand why your Daddy reacted the way he did."

I give her a small smile, "Mommy, I know you and Daddy want what's best for me but I need to be able to protect myself and I don't want to do it without your consent."

"Alice, you may not know this but the reason that your Dad is so against it is because you'd need a proper trainer and I don't mean your brothers. All the people he knows are men and you are still uncomfortable around unfamiliar men. Even if you are able to manage how would you be able to withstand physical contact? That's something that'd be impossible to avoid..." Mom says.

I nod, "What about if it's a female?"

"We don't have anyone who we would trust enough that she could teach you." Mom sighs.

"Well... How about this person?" I show Xavier's note and her eyes widen, "Wait, Xavier is actually okay with this person?"

"I didn't know that either until I saw her name." I smile knowing that Mommy is pondering on the option and maybe I have a chance at getting her permission.

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