Chapter No. 24 More Harm Than Good

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Alice's POV:

The pain is so real that it seems that I can't escape it. I feel someone shouting my name in such a panic-filled voice I don't know what to do. I want to tell that person I am alright. I don't want them to be worried. It seems that their voice is fading into the darkness again. Oh God, no... I don't know how much more I can withstand these memories.

"My baby. I love you so much. You're the only happiness in my life. But sometimes I wonder if I have done you more harm than good by bringing you into this cruelty-filled world." A woman says to me while singing a lullaby.

"Mommy, don't cwy," I say in a babyish voice.

The woman kisses my forehead, "No baby. Mommy isn't crying. She's happy that she has you."

"Don't wowwy Mommy. Ali will plotecc Mommy!" Puffing up my chest like a hero I say.

"My brave hero. You are my hero just by being in my life, sweetheart." The woman continues to sing the lullaby afterward. It lulls me to sleep.

Another memory triggers and it feels like I am looking at a mirror. A girl who looks like me (almost, if looked at from a distance) is looking at me with a sinister expression which shouldn't be possible for a teenager but I guess it is, "Slut stay away from my Chris! If I see you with him one more time I will make sure that you regret that you were even born."

I don't voluntarily run into him. It's like he shadowing me! However, I can't voice it out or the problems will only increase. I only nod.

"Ah before I forget, make sure to do my homework, it's due tomorrow." I nod at her insane demands.

Another memory emerges and I sigh in relief to finally be in the library in my secluded spot so I can avoid Chris and the bullies.

I find a new book that has caught my interest and get lost in the fantasy. But only for a moment, "Alice hi!" A younger version of Chris says and has me trying a way to escape but I chose this death on my own...

"H-Hi." I all but mutter.

"I was looking for you at the cafeteria but you weren't there." He says energetically.

Ugh, doesn't he have anything better to do other than following me, "I wasn't hungry."

He nods and sits beside me, accidentally brushing on my side that is still freshly bruised which has wincing but I try to keep my expression neutral. Thankfully, he doesn't notice, "Which book are you reading? Also, I finished the last. It was intriguing. But I have a couple of questions."

I nod, still trying to put myself together so as not to let anyone especially him know. I don't know why but he's the last person I want to find out, "So I don't get the Male lead has to be so stupid that even though he knows he loves her in his idiotic mind he denies it and hurts her intentionally. That doesn't make sense."

That actually has me smiling for the first time in a while, "Don't worry it doesn't make sense to me either. I only love the book because it has the guy regretting and boy does he regret it."

My smile is short-lived, as the girl from earlier spots me and is livid. Christian notices the change in my demeanor and looks around for the reason and his body stiffens and it's clear he's angry. I hold his hand to signal him to please don't do anything because it's only going to backfire on me.

But does it work, oh hell no...

"Leave, her alone, Emma." He threatens them.

She glares at me and the warning is clear, "Chris when are you going to move on from that useless trash?"

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