Chapter No. 26 Back In The Darkness

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Alice's POV:

Seeing the brand's logo and then the attached documents brought back memories. Mostly unpleasant but some memories were my driving force to survive the hell that I endured back then. 

Remembering how my mother was taken from me made me sick, mentally and physically. I dropped the documents in my lap and rushed to the bathroom ensuring to lock it. I didn't want anyone to see my breakdown at least not like this. The rush of the memories and the torture my mother was put through right before her death was heart-gutting. Now, I remember why I forgot it in the first place. Her screams in agony were too much for my small body to handle at the time and I collapsed then as well. Waking up, I forced myself to forget. Maybe that was a self-defense mechanism of my brain. Trying to shut out the pain.

Once, I was done vomiting all the memories had already come back to me, Standing in front of the wash basin, I looked at my reflection and wanted to scream at myself. How could I forget my mother's agony-filled voice? My head was pounding. My breathing was uneven. Damn it, I knew this better than anyone, it was one of my panic attacks trying to come back. This was something I suffered when my stress hit the roof.

I tried to calm down but it wasn't working. I needed a distraction, anything would do. But at that moment as if the dam walls had collapsed all my suppressed memories came back. It was too much for me. In the back of my head, I think I could hear someone pounding on the door like a madman. I wanted to scream at that person to shut up but my brain and body were no longer in my control. 

It seemed like I was back in that hell hole that took everything from me and even the reason for my smile. I crumpled on the floor and tried to shut everything out. But even that was not working. I recalled everything from the small cabinet under the sink in the kitchen where I was looking out from the small keyhole that was broken to the torture that man- he doesn't deserve to be called a father- put my mom through. All for those damn documents! Why couldn't Mom just give it to him? Just why?!

I wanted to scream but my voice was lost. No... I was lost. I was back in the darkness. The darkness, I never escaped from. I felt someone hugging me and cuddling me, saying soothing words. They felt eerily like my mother, so unconsciously blurted out the exact words that I wanted to say back then, "Mommy, give that man those documents! They will kill you otherwise! We don't need them to be happy! I need you! Only you... Please don't leave me like back then. I can't survive without you. Please don't leave me. I-I will get everything back a-and more. Please, please I beg you..."

Those are the last words I remember screaming out. I wonder if I could turn back time, if I said those words would Mom have listened to me? Would she have lived? Could she have been with me? Those words played like a broken record in my head.  

Archer's POV: 

My family has seen so much pain but I didn't think it could get worse. Why did God have to prove me very wrong? I was downstairs getting some work done when I and Eve heard Chris's screams. This couldn't be good, damn it. We weren't the only ones, the entire family was at the entrance of their room. Dad not bothering to knock barged in. Mom in step with him along with us, Uncle Melvin, and the others.

Chris was trying to break down the door that led to the bathroom, "What happened, Christian?" Dad asked.

"Alice saw the logo of the jewelry brand and mumbled that she remembered how her mother died and then ran to the bathroom locking it and most probably vomiting because of how pale she got. But she's not responding at all or opening the door." His voice and face show his frustration.

"That can not be good at all. That sort of reaction is not normal. You know that better than anyone." Uncle Melvin said looking at Mom.

"I know, Melvin. Archer, get the master key set...." She shakes her head, "No, better yet, break this door right now." That's all it takes for Dad to put his weight in and break open the door.

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