Chapter No. 7 Past Memories

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Alice's POV:

I wake up earlier than usual. It seems it's only dawn because of the little to no light coming from behind the curtains. I sit up and stretch a bit. The events of the previous day hit me and I stop stretching... That was dangerous on another level. I had never expected to run into someone who may know me from my past. He looked distraught. But I can't help him. I don't remember him. Heck, I don't remember myself. The only things I remembered were all the things that the Edwards told me according to the findings they could about me. I will forever be grateful to them for not simply abandoning me or sending me back to the people who wished for my death.

Shaking my head to stop the negative train of thoughts. I get out of bed and take the phone from the nightstand. Checking the time I was right it was 5 A.M. Walking to the walk-in closet I turn on the lights and from the bottom drawer, I take out a sketchpad. People keep diaries for the events or just write whatever they want to write. But I keep a sketchpad. I sketch whenever I feel like I remember something from the missing past. OR it at least seems like it. Turning on the lights in the room to brighten the room I sit down on the couch and start sketching the events I remembered. It's scary how vividly I recall. Making the images really accurate. But the weird thing is that the boy who hit the other boy seems like someone I have seen before.

Hearing the knock I stop from pondering any further and put away the sketchpad. I call the person on the other side to enter and it's no brainer it's Dad and Xander. I knew that they were worried about me. knew that they were worried about me, "Good Morning Dad, Xander."

Getting up from the spot I head over to their side and hug both of them. They reciprocate the action. Dad kisses my forehead while Xander ruffles my hair a habit he's unable to grow out of; not that I mind. They both take a seat on the double-seater couch right beside my bed while I sit on my bed. Dad spots my sketchpad and becomes solemn, "Did you have a nightmare?"

I shake my head, "No, just felt like I remembered something. But as always, it's a broken image just very clear."

Dad nods, "Did your memories get triggered because of yesterday?"

"Yes and no. It wasn't because of meeting that guy but Xander protecting me and punching the guy." Recalling I add in a mumble, "I hope he's alright..."

"He deserved it, sis. You're very important to us and he crossed the line." Xander says without an ounce of regret.

Not that I wasn't expecting it. When it comes to me or Mom everyone is overly protective. I smile at Xander, "Bro, I know that but that guy didn't. He must've confused me with someone similar."

That has Xander become serious, "No, I don't think so. He was dead set on the fact that you're the same Alice that he knew. There is a chance he's someone who has known you from 7 years ago. And if he does, he has another thing coming."

Dad doesn't respond, but I know for a fact that both of them are thinking the same thing, "Stop it, both of you. I can't run away from the past forever. Eventually, I will have to face it. It's not necessary that everything and every one of my past is messed up. So please unless it's not the only way please don't do something that can put my family in jeopardy..."

Tears fill my eyes just thinking about the consequences. I feel Xander sit beside me and pulls me into his arms, "I'm sorry, Alice, I didn't mean to scare you. You know that after losing someone precious to us we are just extra careful when it comes to you. You view the world that it's filled with good people. That couldn't be further than the truth..."

"I know that bro. I know that very well. But not everyone is evil either. I am lucky enough to be found by you guys." I smile and look at them.

Xander becomes quiet knowing he can't argue with that. I know everyone is worried about me but I am no longer the small child who needed protection. It's not like I am strong now. Just want to face my fears and the people. But I sometimes wonder if there's something that these guys are hiding from me that they don't want me to find out.

"So that means that you'll be going to the mansion of the Stans, correct?" Dad asks after the awkward pause due to Xander's sudden silence.

I nod, "Yeah, but I would appreciate it if Luis can come along. I know Xander is busy."

Xander scoffs at that. I giggle because they are in a constant tug of war-for my attention. Which makes this mansion a warm place to live in, "Not busy enough to be able to make time for my darling sis."

"I know that but today's meeting is important, Stacey already pleaded with me to ensure you attend." I glare at my brother.

He has a knack for making his assistant worry though that girl has a fire of her own. She can stand on her own and doesn't bow her head to anyone, not even her own boss. I really love her fiery personality. Maybe that's the reason she's survived in the company of my brother. I know my brother very well and if there's one thing, he can be it's that he's a teddy bear when it comes to his family and otherwise a growly/grizzly bear. Then again, I wonder if he's really a grizzly bear with her... Or is a grizzly due to the number of males that she interacts with. Or maybe I read way too many romance books.

I shake myself from the thoughts when I hear his grumbling, "She just had to go and tell you. I regret the day telling her that you're the only person I listen to..."

I can't hold back and fall back on the bed laughing, "That's your fault, big bro. No escaping your secretary now."

He grumbles and leaves the room, most likely going on a run to shake off his bad mood. At that moment, Luis knocks and enters the room, pointing his thumb to the now-closed door, "What happened to my twin early in the morning that was not done by me?"

Wiping the stray tears, "Stacey happened, I told him that I want you to come with me today and he can't since he has an important merger meeting."

He laughs out the same as me, "Gotta love that secretary of his. She takes notes of the smallest of things that can help her make her hell life a bit easier. Becoming friends with you has done wonders for her. She praises you every time I pass by."

"Now, now children it's not a good thing to make fun of your brother." Dad says though it's clear he's smiling as well, but then looks at me, "Are you sure that you want to go? I can ask your Mom to arrange everything on her own. She has been in this business for a very long time now."

I know that Dad is concerned due to my reaction, "It's okay. Besides, I know that I freaked them out as well. That guy must be feeling guilty as well."

"That's the last thing you should be worried about." Luis scoffs.

These 2 are brothers for a reason. I roll my eyes at his comment. Looking at the clock I see it's almost 6 A.M. and I know that we all need to get ready if we want to get to breakfast, "Alright guys, you both need to leave and I am going to freshen up."

It's not like they or I take that long, but Luis and Xander have special training every day and night with Dad. They don't discuss it but I have seen them in bruises more than once but not after I saw and cried seeing them beat up. I never bring it up and they think that I don't know... We all have secretsthat are better not known to the world... Man, I am really recalling the past today.I wonder if that is a good thing or not.

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