Chapter No. 11 She's Different

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Alice's POV: 

After leaving abruptly, I requested Luis not to bring it up before everyone else. I didn't want everyone to be worked up. Normally, I can sense that if a person is messing with me. However, from the first moment, I met Christian Theodore. He is anything but ordinary. The dude grabbed my wrist as if it was normal for him or he could not believe I was a real person or a figment of his imagination. One thing is for sure. We share a past. But from the looks of it not a very close one or maybe I didn't trust him. I tend to be very picky or just scared when it comes to trusting people. At least that is what my past experiences have taught me up to this point. I have yet to reveal to my adoptive parents that I remember the accident and how I ended up as Alice Edward. But before that, it's still a blur. Sometimes I wonder if I met the people that are connected to that part of the past I could recover that part of the past as well. But my gut feeling says viceversa. It's like that part of the past is something I am not prepared to unveil. Lost in thoughts I don't sense someone entering my room until I feel a hand on my shoulder making me jump in surprise.

"Hey, I called you thrice but there wasn't any reply. Everything alright Alice?" Xavier asks sitting down beside me on the bed. Man, I was really out of it. I shrug not denying that I was distracted,

"Yeah, I'm good when did you get home?"

He observes something he does more often than not trying to read my expressions or any changes that I may well be trying to hide. But living with these guys I have learned how to hide my expressions a lot better than at the start. It's not something I do because I want to. But it makes me feel safer. Like a cocoon, I didn't know I needed to breathe. These guys can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, and I wonder if I feel that way because some of my memories have returned.

"Got here almost an hour ago. I wanted to ask do you want to eat out with me and Luis. Mom and Dad are gonna be late."

"Sure why not? While you're at it, why not invite Stacey as well? She needs it when working with you." I smile at him.

His eyes immediately narrow at my words and I smile at him cheekily. Xavier and Luis look the same at first glance but when you look at them closer and get to know them they let you in that is, Luis is the funny, outgoing type. Whereas, Xavier is the silent, brooding, overbearing type but calculative as well. But if I want to list their similarities, I'd say both of them are calculative and manipulative where the situation calls for it.

"Luis?" I wonder whether he's asking or stating.

I want to play dumb but a giggle escapes, making Xavier put on a solemn face for a moment before breaking into a soft smile. Yes, whenever I try to lie to the people whom I trust I end up laughing giving away everything be it a lie or something that I am trying to hide. Hence, whenever we plan surprises I ensure that I am not close to the person who is in for the surprise, "You know kiddo, I'd want to do that. However, you know how Stacey is. She's a lot more secretive than she lets on. The only thing that she cares about is making money and keeping her distance from everyone."

"You're saying it like it's a bad thing. Isn't that what you had wanted when you were looking for a PA?" I say recalling his conversations with his secretary.

Xavier rubs the back of his neck like he's tired which I can point out more than one reason why that'd be the case, "Yes. You'd know better than anyone else that the fools hired before what they were like. Even though they were educated at least on paper. Now it makes me wonder if even their educational backgrounds were legit or not."

"But?" I push. I want to know how he fell for Stacey even though I wouldn't be surprised by anything Xavier says.

"Stacey... She's different. A good difference. She's Frugal but only when it comes to taking care of herself. Which is a question for me. I know that she's earning a really good amount. But it seems that she tends to spend as little as possible... Then her personality. At one point she's fierce but then she's timid as though trying to hide away in the shadows so no one notices. She's a puzzle, I am unable to figure out..."

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