Chapter No. 15 First Letter (1)

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Alice's POV:

The next 4 days are havoc as I complete the design and then am suddenly on a video call with Mrs. Theodore and Mrs. King explaining the idea and sending them the designs and finalizing material color shade and everything in between.

If I thought that was the end. Boy was I wrong. Evelyn wasn't kidding when she said I could start training with her. She took it very seriously and revealed that she would've agreed even without that condition. Even now my body aches. My muscles hurt. But it's worth it. I now know the weak spots of both men and women. Basic ways to protect and fight back. But that's only in theory. When putting it in action yeah not good at it.

Coming to right now it's still a bit of a cold war at home because neither side is willing to give an inch. With Mommy not being involved and Xavier still keeping up the neutrality. To make matters worse, last night Mom asked if I had packed everything I needed which got the attention of Dad, and when he found out I was flying solo with Chris his reaction was well... It's better not to name it.

He was absolutely against it. But there was nothing that could be done since Mom was needed here, Luis and Xavier left in the evening for their merger meeting for the new side business that they decided to venture into located in Glasgow, Scotland. Meaning they'd taken the private jet. This means leaving me with no other choice than to travel with Theodores'.

He then argues with Mom that she deliberately hid this and Mom plays innocent which has me laughing so much. I knew he'd react like this and then when my laughter subsided I saw his face relaxed, "I am glad to see you smiling."

It then hits me like a ton of bricks, he'd been anxious about how to break this cold silence that he caused. Tears well up in my eyes. Getting up from my spot I run to and hug Dad. He envelopes me in his bear hug and getting a whiff of his clone creates a calm in me which I didn't realize I needed.

"I'm sorry Dad. I know I went a bit overboard."

"It's okay kiddo. I love you so much that it scares me sometimes." Dad replies.

"I know Daddy. That's why it hurt more knowing you were angry at me."

"Sweetheart, I was not and can never be angry at my princess. It just scares me to think of anything other than you being safe." He replies kissing my forehead.

"I know, Daddy. But let me venture outside the glasshouse as well. Let me see the world as it is not what you want it to look like for me. I can't live in fear forever." I rephrase my words so that it'd be easier for him to see things through my perspective.

He doesn't comment on it however, doesn't vehemently oppose either. Which is good enough for me for the time being.

Ensuring I have everything I would need for the 1-week trip, I am all set. There's a knock on the door and assuming it's Mom or Dad, I yell for them to come in. To my surprise, it's Christian and Evelyn.

"Your Mom told us that you would be here. What're you up to?"

Evelyn peeks over my shoulder to see what I am doing and I hold up the 2 books I have yet to get started on. "I am stuck on deciding which one to take with me. I love them both so much... It's hard to choose."

"You can always read them on your iPad," Evelyn responds.

I shake my head, "No way! The texture, the feel, and the fun of turning each page to get to the next part of the novel is what makes reading worthwhile."

"I know that very well. In our villa, I have the collection of L.M. Montgomery's books. You can bring Arthur C. Doyle's book. I didn't know you were into mystery/thriller." Chris replies.

He still doesn't stop to amaze me, like the guy who started reading books to understand me and the little world I had built. Yes, we are spending time together. It's starting to make me think my fear of him on the first day was too much. To which he says he's glad I am alright. I know his stormy eyes have questions. So do I. But I just don't know who to ask.

Since I knew the weather was getting hotter, I chose light clothes for the flight.

"Yeah, I recently discovered that I like to read mystery/thriller

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"Yeah, I recently discovered that I like to read mystery/thriller. Anything and everything that  catches my attention is worth the read."

"In that case, I'll keep an eye on the books that you may prefer," Chris says with determination.

I shake my head, "No need I already have a huge list that I have yet to clear. I collected many books when I graduated from College. I just never get around reducing the stack pile."

They both look at each other than at me before laughing. I don't understand what's the joke. About 20 mins later we leave my home to the airport.

The flight is smooth and tiring. Cause the entire Theodore clan is boarding with us along with new faces I didn't have seen before. They introduced them to me as Cameron Colton and Charlotte Theodore. Both of the kids are energetic making the flight anything but boring.


3rd Person POV:

In a room that is dark and looks as though ghosts roam at night is eerily alive tonight. A knock resounds through out the entire hall is made on the door.

"Master, it's me."

The door opens on its own, the person calmly enters, "Miss Edwards has left for Italy."

"Hmm." Is the only sound that comes from the seemingly empty room.

"The letters are designated to be sent and the first will arrive 3 days from now."

"Hmm." Again just a sound that echoed in the quiet dark room.

"Is there any other order for this servant?" The man bows towards the darkness that has engulfed the entire room.


No answer comes. Silence takes over the room once again before a thunderous sound echos in the room, "It's finally time. To make amends. Julie, I can finally fulfill the long awaited promise to you."

"Make sure that no tracks can be found. Prepare the jet, Elijah. We shall leave in the morning."

"Yes master."

Only the sound of the footsteps can be heard and creaking of the door as the person called Elijah closes the door behind him and leaves to ensure that preparations are completed.

The only light in that dark room is coming from the large window that has majestic view towards the lake that even at night is bewitching. The moon is almost crescent and moving away from the window however reflecting on a coffee table that has a single photo frame. Albeit very old but precious. The woman in the picture looks to be in her 20's looking radiant. Her brunette hair cascading down her back as she's standing in the water with nothing happiness in her eyes.

"My dear. A long time has passed but you never seem to leave my mind. Perhaps, I shall join you soon." The man says with a hint of sadness. That is first emotion he expresses after a long time that shows on his face.

The walks away from the picture and heads out to the balcony, listening to the tranquility, "You will pay a dear price for breaking our trust Edwards. Mark my words. Your days are numbered."

He says to no one in particular. Closing his eyes he reminisces the old days with the woman in the picture and once again tries to forget the present cruel world.

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