Chapter No. 23 Like a Fairytale

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Alice's POV:

He puts his hand forward and I take it smiling, "You're looking stunning. How are you able to make me fall for you more than I already have?"

He pulls me towards him and kisses my lips then my cheeks, "Aww..." Evie sighs next to us and it has me blushing if I weren't already from Chris's words.

He chuckles and I tuck my face in his chest. Why am I so shy when it comes to romance? He smells nice. I don't know if it's a perfume or all him but it's different and nice.

We leave and after almost 40 minutes we arrive on the outskirts of the city and it's filled with natural beauty. It's magnificent. It's like a scene out of my favorite book. I have read it at least 10 times but still, it doesn't bore me one bit.

We stop at a farmhouse and it has a rustic feel to it. I am in awe and don't notice until Chris calls my name, "Alice?"

I look up to see he's opened my side of the door and holding out his hand for me to take, with a small smile playing on his lips. I take his hand happily. Stepping outside it's a breath of fresh air. The peace and calm in this place is different. A beautiful kind of different.

Stepping inside the house it has a rustic feel to it. But it's equipped with the latest technology so it's a good mixture of old meets new. He takes me to the first floor and it's like I stepped into a fantasy room cause it doesn't feel real. All sides of the floor top to bottom are filled with shelves of books and it looks as though someone rearranged the furniture a bit as where the couches should be is replaced with a small dining table for two people. The room is brought alive with beautiful fairy lights that are hung on the ceiling. I feel his gaze on me and I notice that he's not beside me rather in the entrance and in my giddiness I didn't even notice it.

"This is beautiful. How did you know?" I ask with happiness I don't even know how to express.

"I wanted to make our first date special and memorable. I know that your love books have not faded even after all these years. So knew the farmhouse would be the best. This is mine. When I want to get away from the city's noise and am in the country I make sure to come down here." He says and walks slowly towards me.

"Why do I feel there is more to this that you're not saying?" I ask curious tilting my head to the side.

"I know this is cheesy but this was my very first investment. It was meant to be sold after fixing up the place. But one look at this library section that the previous couple had made me change my mind in a heartbeat. Of course, I never told anyone else the reason why I kept this place. But you're different..." He holds my hands in his bringing them to his lips and kisses the backsides, "I had this place remade in your name. The image that you once shared with me-"

It's like a scene in passing and the words spill out like they have always been waiting to be said, "I wish I had a room stacked top to bottom with books with a huge window facing towards open meadows like the scene described by Anne when she first arrives at the Green Gables..."

Chris looks at me shocked. Letting go of my hands he holds my face in his hands, "You remember...?"

Tears fill my eyes and I nod, "Yeah, I remembered because it's so familiar with the image in my head when I was younger. You had a free period and I was having a bad day. I don't remember the particulars but you started about Anne from then it was like you'd given me the moon. I was elated. It was my escape in my bad days. I described what I wished for sometimes."

"Yes, that was exactly how it happened! Cara Mia, are you alright?" His expression changed from excited to worried.

"Thankfully, no. I guess it wasn't related to my trauma. Maybe that's why." I lean up and initiate the kiss this time. I don't even know if I am doing it correctly but Christian is frozen. After a moment, I think to back away but I guess Chris is back cause his hand dives into my hair and angling my head to let him have better access. If my kiss was soft and exploring type his was demanding and filled with need. His other hand slowly goes down to my waist and the movement sends shivers down my spine. This feeling is unique and new. We are lost in the kiss I don't even recognize when we end up on the couch.

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