Chapter No. 21 Trust and Peace

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Christian's POV:

Walking out of Alice's room was the hardest thing I might have done in a while. I wanted to be there for her to comfort her to show that I was there for her. But I of all people knew that she needed space to gather her thoughts.

As soon as I finished taking a quick shower and changing into jeans, I decided I had given Alice enough time. There is this strange anxiety in me telling me if I leave her alone for too long she might disappear again only this time I will never find her.

I was towel drying my hear when I heard a knock on the door, it was a soft knock which I knew for a fact it couldn't be any of the family cause they mostly barge as they like so it had to be Alice. Without a second thought, I leave the towel on the bed and walk to the door opening it to reveal Alice. She gasps as she sees me and it then hits me she's never seen me without a shirt. I know I am not built like Dad or Archer. But I have muscles only my body is towards the leaner stronger side. I wonder if she likes what she's seeing. I don't have to wonder as she stared at me with admiration. My surprised expression quickly dissolves into smirking. Her beautiful blush has me saying words I only thought romance books said just to increase the likability of the story or character.

I want to kiss her so badly but knowing that she's in a tough situation I don't try until her words hit me and jealousy as none hits me, when she says that my brother is handsome. She looks at me a deep blush coating her fair skin.

"Christian?" She asks shyly as it seems that she doesn't want her thoughts to be revealed. Does that mean she likes my brother more? However, she can't have him cause he's Rain's and I was never good at sharing.

Dropping my arm from her shoulder I take her hand and towards my room when I hear my sister say towards our retreating backs, "I've sent the picture!"

Before Alice can say anything I already have her in my room and the door locked from the outside, with her back to it and my lips on hers. She has no time to react or even think. I knew I could be possessive but this is new for me as well.

Her lips are soft like petals, making me yearn for them even more. I take her face in my hands and try to deepen the kiss and Alice tries to comply but doesn't know what to do. It makes my inner beast smile in satisfaction as this means she's never kissed before. Which should be obvious from her shy reactions to me but it still feels like heaven. I feel her hands slowly touch my chest moving up to my shoulder. I want to kiss her more but I have already crossed the line without permission. Trying to reel in my craziness toward her I let go of her lips closing my eyes I touch my forehead to hers trying to get my emotions under control.

I see Alice has closed her eyes as well with the deepest pink almost red blush coating from her cheeks down to her neck and disappearing in her top. I groan kissing her lips lightly again and then kissing her cheeks. She shyly opens her eyes and her honey-color doe-shaped eyes are filled with an expression that has me testing my patience more than I ever thought was ever possible. There is lust and an emotion that I wanted to see more than anything else, love.

"Christian..." The shake in her voice along with the uncertainty of her feelings for me reflected in her eyes has me stepping back a bit to let her gather her thoughts and emotions.

"Umm, can you wear a shirt?" I can't help but blink in amazement thinking that's the first thing she says.

Then I notice that she's staring at my chest her shyness is kicking in and she's turning her head away from me or rather my half-nakedness. I never knew that someone could be sexy and adorable at the same time. I chuckle and walk to my closet to get a button-down shirt and slide it on. Buttoning it I turn around and see that Alice is trying to avoid looking at me, "Cara Mia?"

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