Chapter 2: learning $ tournament

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Roshi " you need to meditate and find your inner core and bring out your energy your true strength not that flawed version of it. Your aura is yours and when you fully control it you will be able to do unbelievably things. Like shoot the Kamehameha, fly and develop your own abilities and skill set."
As I start to to feel the core of my self. I pull at the soft comfortable feeling and open my eyes seeing a massive energy ball in front of me. And I start to smile. Till it disperses and I fall to the ground out of breath.
"ThaTs trying! Wooooo man I guess more I do it the easier it is?"
Roshi" correct. The more you bring it out the easier it gets. Till it becomes second nature. Keep mind the average everyday person power is around 1-20. But those that train and or also martial arts is higher. I am around 200ish. Goku is around 100. But his will grow. He has lot of potential like yourself. So in these three years I am gonna make you martial artist and you will compete in the tournament in three years time. To see your progress against others."
Just nodding my head yes. As the training begins learning about chi and life force energy. Learning to sense energy and even shoot the Kamehameha, and energy bullets/blasts. Even coming up with my own way making energy blade for now. And also making energy shields. ( like 17s shield )
In the three years I learned a lot. From Chi/Ki. I even learned mechanics from Bulma. Even helping out with some inventions that will help civilians life. I even had idea to make gravity machine. Got this idea from wearing weight clothing. So why not have it to train. Double the earth gravity will increase my Ki reserves and more. But as of right now. It's still in the process faze. Till the tournament is over.

I haven't had much experience on this planet called Earth. Other than training to become the strongest. To prove I am not worthless and show those who thought I was weak. Remembering back in Beacon.

Beacon academy after transcripts reveal.

Yang " hey look it's the faker! I can't wait till combat class so I can kick your ass faker!"
Weiss" I always knew you were faker. You suck at fighting and glad your worthless. No wonder your family doesn't want you to train cause your so bad!"
Ruby stays quite mostly " I can't be friends with liars like you!"
Seeing my friends belittle me seeing them with hateful remorse. But what really hurts is my own teammates. The team I am leading. JNPR.
Nora was sadden that her fearless leader faked his way in. " Why did you fake your way in while the rest of us tried so hard!"
Ren wasn't his stoic self and just punched Jaune in the face. " your not my leader anymore. You lied your way here, could have lied bout other things as well. Your a disgrace and stay away from Nora and myself! Unless it's team combat! Got that Faker!"
You only nod with your face bruised by REN's punches.
Then you turn to see your partner with an ashamed look towards you. Hell you knew she liked you. Your not that dense. And now your glad that you did not ask her out. She doesn't back you up. She doesn't help just sits there with disappointed look. My partner Pyrrha Nikos.
Pyrrha speaks after good minute
" Jaune you should leave you don't belong here! Your no warrior and your no hero! You will only get in the way. You are a lost cause."
You can tell she is in turmoil because of this whole ordeal.
You leave the Door room and walk to the fountain and see that Cardin gang shows up. Started to talk smack about Jaune being so weak and faking to get in here.
But you smile before you say " I may have faked my way here at least I didn't go crying to Daddy for new diaper change after Forever fall. But at least your man of your word. Now move out the way I have meeting with Headmaster. And before I forget to say. What comes around Goes around. Good luck getting eaten to death. Hahah if I am Faker a Failure then that makes you all Losers and Scum that needs to be scrapped of the world one day. Who knows maybe just maybe you have eventful life. Good day."
Cardin is pissed and try's to swing a fist but gets caught in bubble shield and taken to detention by Goodwitch.
" hahaha never learns does he!"

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