Chapter 6 Redemption & plans

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Author here sorry bout the wait dang Skyrim anyways hope you enjoy.

Jaune is looking up at the sayain women with bald cut tomboyish girl. Who was watching the fight for the distance.
Sayain women" you seem strong taken on the prince and the general of the sayain race. Specially in their Oozaru forms, my name is Fasha. And to tell you the truth I am here to see my old friend/ teammate child.

Jaune only nods before getting up slowly off the ground looking at her armor and sensing her power. She weaker then Vegeta but stronger then Nappa. " well Fasha my name is Jaune. What's your story cause I thought all the Sayains were killed at least that's what that Vegeta guy said?"

Fasha huffs but answers while watching Kakarot fight the Prince. " to answer your question. I have to start at the beginning. Kakarot father Bardock was squad leader. I was apart of that squad, till we were assigned a mission without Bardock as he was knocked out and got some weird powers that could see the future. And In doing so told the squad of the impending doom to Planet Vegeta. When we got Bardock told all the Sayains about the doom of are planet but they just laughed at him. And I couldn't help him. Because I was on another planet dying. While the person we Sayain were working for sent bud men to kill us. And we were no much. I survived by pure luck and to answer the impending question why I look so young. Will when I went back to ship bleeding, I set the cords to the planet Vegeta but it got destroyed and the shock waves knock the pod of course and right before I passed out, I saw some weird stuff swirling vortex that engulf the pod and I got shot out not long ago. I do not know if the effect of that said vortex but it healed my wounds and I see that Kakarot is older by like 20ish years. So I am assuming I went forward in time."

Jaune only nods but in his mind. FREAKING TIME TRAVEL IS REAL. At least some bit. But if this Fasha is telling the truth then she can be powerful ally. And help Kakarot and I improve are power. And train like the Sayain did in the past.
" hey Fasha would you like to be Ally's with us. I don't know your goals but I can tell you want revenge for the people who destroyed your race. If you like myself and Kakarot/Goku can become more powerful and help you grow as well to get revenge. And everybody wins."

Fasha thinks on this " I would agree with that but as it stands we are no match for that being. And even then if we trained I don't know if we be able to win. I mean look at this fight with Prince and Kakarot. Prince should be by all means winning this fight but his anger and ego. Is holding him back. And while kakarot has slightly higher power but it's slipping away slowly. Due to that technique he is using. In lame man's term. If attacked that being we will lose."

Jaune nods understanding what she means. The kioken is hard technique on the body and Stamina. But boosts all senses and doubles the power by multiplayer used. And he's been at it for while.
" yes that's correct but You Sayains have higher physical body attributes compared to humans. So Goku is lasting longer."

Fasha didn't speak instead looking at the fight as Goku lunch's a Kamehameha at Vegeta Galika Gun making a struggle beam. As Goku shouts " TIMES FOURRRRRR" as his beam grows bigger and stronger lunching Vegetas beam back at himself.
Fasha " he's pushing himself passed his limits lowest born Sayain vs the second highest born sayain. Maybe we can beat Frezia."

Jaune smiles " I mean Goku is strong and only wants to fight strong opponents and to get stronger to protect his loved ones."

Fasha " that's un-Sayain like. But what's your story jaune?"

Jaune looks down before speaking remembering the pain he went through. " well to tell you the truth I don't belong here. As you see i belong to different world/ dimension as I was brought here and don't know why. But on my world, there are monsters known as Grim, the more negative emotions you have the stronger they could become. Well there's is what is called Hunters & Huntress which it was my dream to become one, To become A Hero. But my father and family forbid me. So I left anyways faked my way into the school and started to train. I was completely useless to say the least. I was mocked cause of my lack of knowledge of fighting experience. Got bullied even my own teammates disowned me when they found out I was fake. After I trusted them with my secret. And so, it only got worst, And worst, and worst. Everything was amped up now majority of the school bullied me besides a few. I know some wanted to help but couldn't. And some wanted me dead. One day I got called into the headmaster's office when he was forced to expel me because the council deemed it fit as did the students complaints was in high demand they wanted it to stop. Anyways. I went to the forest and fought Grim to the very end killing grim I never new about and when I killed the last one. I was teleported on an island. And learned Ki, and how to fight and kept training to improve myself so one day when I get back to my world. I'll save it and be the underdog hero." Chuckling little bit.

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