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(Y/n) buckled Grace into her car seat and climbed in the passenger seat of her and Sam's Toyota Rav4. Sam climbed in the driver's seat and the little family drove into town to have their special family day together.

"So, Gracie." (Y/n) turned around in her seat and looked back at her daughter. "We are going to go see Papa later today. How about before we get groceries we do something fun, huh?" Her daughter smiled brightly in anticipation. "I was thinking..." (Y/n) looked at Sam. "We could go to the Butterfly House Aquarium." She smiled.

"Yea! Please, can we go Daddy? Please!" Grace begged and Sam laughed flipping his hair long brown locks out of his face.

"I think that is a wonderful idea. Good thinking, (Y/n)." He chuckled and smiled at her for a moment, before putting his eyes back on the road.

"I thought so." She said proudly and sat up right in her chair.

They lived just outside of Sioux Fall's, South Dakota, so they could be near (Y/n)'s Dad. The aquarium wasn't far and Sam drove right to it. Parking the car and jumping out, almost as excited as the four near five year old in the back seat. (Y/n) chuckled and climbed out of the car. They both took one of her hand's and walked into the Aquarium, paying their way inside and began walking around.

"Mommy, Daddy, look! Nemo fish!" Grace squealed, pressing her face against the large tank of glass.

"Those are called Clown Fish, Peanut." Sam said, hoisting the girl onto his shoulder's.

"Do you see the Dory fish?" (Y/n) called out to her child, who looked around excitedly from ontop of her Father's shoulder's.

"Ooh! Ooh! Mama, look, is that one?"

"That it is. Good eye, Gracie. Those are called Blue Tang's." She nodded happily.

They walked around some more seeing other giant tank's filled with sea creatures.

"Look at those sea turtles!" Sam pointed out.

"Baby girl, look! Sharks!" (Y/n) laughed pretending to chomp like a shark at her giggling daughter.

"Daddy, can we touch the sting rays?" Gracie nearly bounced on her Dad's shoulder's in excitement. He laughed and helped her down, before either of them could get hurt.

"Of course!" (Y/n) exclaimed, grabbing Grace's hand and running off toward's the touch tank. Sam grinned following after his girl's.

He caught up to them and wrapped his arm's around (Y/n)'s waist from behind and spun her around. Kissing her neck and making Grace laugh at her adorable parent's. They paid for some touch tank food and fed the sting ray's to bring them up to the surface so they could touch them easier. They were slimy and soft, which was very weird.

Together they walked into the butterfly house and watched all the butterflies fly around their head's. Grace was absolutely loved by them. They landed on her, making her giggle so sweetly. (Y/n) took lots of pictures and video's, so they'd have the memories and they could show Bobby later.

"Mama?" Grace asked as they walked through the gift shop. (Y/N) bent down to her level and smiled at her.

"What's up, buttercup?" She chuckled.

"They don't have any dresses. So, can I get a gift to take home?" She asked sweetly and gave her mother the best pouty face she could muster. (Y/n) looked up at Sam who walked back over after temporarily using the bathroom.

"Miss Gracie here is wondering if she can pick a souvenir since they have no dresses." She explained at her confused boyfriend. Sam bent down to her level to and smiled at her.

Falling In Love With A Winchester: A Dean X Reader and a Sam x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now