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    "Okay, tell us what's going on, Cas." Y/n sat down after getting Grace settled with her crayons and paper in the other room.

    "There's been a strange disturbance on earth. The angel's are digging to find out what is it. But, it doesn't seem good." He explained in his monotone voice. Sam and Y/n held hand's under the table nervously.

    "Is it something you think we are going to have to help with? I mean, that'd be the only reason you'd come to us, Cas. You know we have Gracie and we can't expose her to that life." Sam said in a protective fatherly tone.

    "I just wanted to warn you, since we don't know what is happening yet. It could be nothing or it could be something. And you both know well, that if something's going down, the Winchester name is at the end of it." Cas said.

    "Has anyone checked on... him. Lately?" Y/n asked about Lucifer, afraid that it could be him.

    "He is still locked away. There are many guards and you do not have to worry, Y/n." Cas sighed, placing his hand over her other that laid on the table. "I have too realized what today is."

    "Yeah, so did we. We've been so busy with Grace, that the day just snuck up on us..." Sam said sadly.

    "We did so many things he would have enjoyed today. Like the aquarium. We bought pie, and we are supposed to be making a fresh one to bring to my father's house tonight for after supper. You're more than welcome to come Castiel if you don't need to rush off. It's really a day for us all to be together." Y/n said with a smile. She got up and began gathering the ingredient's for the pie.

    "I do not have to rush back. So I would like that. Thank you." Cas said with a big smile. Grace came running into the room, crashing into his chair.

    "Uncle Cas, look! I drew you a picture!" Grace held out the drawing and Cas looked at it.

    "I think you're going to have to explain it to him, peanut." Sam chuckled seeing Cas's confused face.

    "Oh, okay, daddy. It's me and you. We are swimming away from the shark that's about to eat us." She points all over the picture explaining her drawing.

    "Just agree with her." Y/n whispered as she walked by.

    "Wow, bumblebee. This is a very nice picture. I shall treasure it." Cas carefully folded up the picture and placed it in the pocket of his trench coat. Making one little girl very happy.

    "Mommy? Are you making the pie without me?" Grace stated in an offended manner. Crossing her little arms across her chest and her eyes narrowed.

    "Of course not. I was just preparing the ingredients." Y/n grabbed a small pink apron from the hanger, making Grace squeal in excitement. Sam helped her tie it on and put her small pink chef's hat on her head. Y/n grabbed the stool and Grace climbed up on it.
The mother and daughter began to make the pie, while Sam and Cas made some small talk.

    "Okay, here's the flour. Pour that in the bowl." Y/n handed Grace the ingredient's and grace pour them. "And he's some salt and butter. Here's the sugar. Okay, now we need to to peel some apples."

Y/n and Grace enlisted the help of Sam and Cas, while Y/n kneaded the dough for the crust. When the apple's were peeled, Sam carefully let Grace help cut the apple's since she insisted on helping.

    "Here's your bowl and ingredients for the apples. Sugar, flour, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, a bit of lemon and an egg." Y/n smiled sitting down, watching Sam and Grace work together and Cas watch on amazed at how human's make things.

Falling In Love With A Winchester: A Dean X Reader and a Sam x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now