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Dean allowed Sam and Bobby to perform the necessary checks, even after Cas's confirmation. Y/n watched from the corner of the room unmoving and in shock.

    "Dean." Bobby said in shock after the holy water, the silver knife, and salt.

    "That's what i've been saying." He chuckled. Sam teared up and both Bobby and Sam engulfed him in a hug.

    "I already told you it was him." Cas pointed out simply making the boys chuckle. Dean walked over and the two embraced.

    "It's good to see you, boy." Bobby patted him on the back.

    "I've missed you so much, Dean." Sam breathed, still in shock and awe.

    "Dear Chuck, I've missed you guy's. Although, I supposed for me it feels a lot less than it did for you i'm sure. Did someone say before that it's been five year's?" Dean asked curiously.

    "Uh, yeah, man. Five year's today actually." Sam told his brother awkwardly.

Dean wobbled slightly and found his way to the chair. Taking a seat. He took a minute to compose himself and then it was like he suddenly remembered something and he looked up at Y/n. He slowly stood to his feet and walked over toward's her. Sam also realizing, looked up and watched nervously, from beside Bobby, who placed a hand on his shoulder. Dean walked toward's Y/n slowly, watching her squirm uncomfortably.

    "Aren't you gonna say hello too, sweetheart?" Dean asked quietly. He stopped a few feet away from her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. She shook her head no, unable to speak. "Can you at least look at me?" Dean asked quietly. He peeked his head down trying to look at her covered face.

Y/n looked up from her hands, slowly meeting those same piecing emerald green eye's she thought she'd lost a long time ago. The tear's began to fall from her eyes again. Dean quickly walked over to her and slowly wrapped his arm's around her. Her arm's wrapped around him and they both let their tear's fall. He kissed her head and ran his finger's through her hair, noticing the fact that she'd dyed it brown.

She buried her face into his shirt, enjoying the same smell she once loved. She was overjoyed to have him back, but that was the problem. She once did love him. Now she wasn't sure it was in the same way it once was. In fact she knew it wasn't the same. Her heart indeed belonged to someone else and that someone else was his brother, making her feel so overwhelmingly guilty.

She looked over in Sam's direction seeing the pained face he carried. There was a smile, glad to have his older brother back, but the pain hidden beneath the surface showed the fear of losing his family that they'd created. Fear of losing Y/n, fear of what his brother would think after finding out that they'd been together all this time. Angry too that he was going to propose to the woman he loved and fearing now he'd never get that chance.

Y/n and Sam caught each other's eye's and they both gasped at the same time.

    "Grace." They said together.

Y/n wiggled her way out of Dean's grasp, just as he leaned down to try and kiss her. Dean watched shocked as she walked over to Sam as if the two were having a silent conversation only they could hear.

    "Grace? What's Grace?" Dean asked looking around the room at all the shocked faces once again. Then that second set of realization hit him. "Is-is that our kid's name? It was a girl?" Dean asked softly and filled with hope.

    "Dad, can you keep him down here, please?" Y/n looked at her father who nodded. "Cas, please go see what you can find out about this. I'll bet it has something to do with whatever's going on."

There was a whoosh and the sound of wing's flapping and Cas was gone.

    "Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. Are you talking about me?" Dean scoffed.

    "Yes, Dean. I am talking about you... We-we have a daughter. She is 4 almost 5 year's old. Her name is Grace Mary Winchester. She's beautiful and brilliant... and..." Y/n's tear filled face fell. Sam rubbed her back, which Dean took quick notice of. He scowled slightly unsure of what was going on.

    "Dean, we've been out of the game for a while now... Almost 5 years. Grace has no knowledge of anything Supernatural..." Sam began to explain.

    "Well, that's great. That's everything we wanted for her. But, I don't get why I can't see her... Wait, wait, does she even know who I am?" Dean asked with that familiar scowl on his face, quietly.

    "She's seen your picture... She-she knows your name's Dean and that you died a long time ago. We need to figure out what to tell her. This is a lot to process. Is there anything you can tell us about how you got here?" Y/n explained and asked him curiously.

    "No, I can't. I remember dying and then everything's blank. I woke up standing in the same place I died and I came here. Y/n, stop avoiding my question. Does Grace know that I am her father?" Dean changed his wording and asked in a more demanding tone.

    "We've never really had that full conversation...I-I..." Y/n quickly ran up the stairs to go find her daughter. She didn't know what else to say.

Grace was just barely reaching the age of asking questions about the people in all the picture's on the wall's of her and Sam's home. When asked who Dean was, it turned into a we'll tell you later story. Sam and Y/n both agreed that they'd talk to her about it carefully, seeing as she was still so young. They didn't want to confuse her, since she saw Sam as her father and had since the moment those word's fell from her lips, shortly after her first birthday. So they had only told her that Dean was in heaven and he was very special to Gracie, that they'd explain when she got older. But to always know he was there to watch out over her.


Y/n walked into the back bedroom that Grace usually slept in while they were there. She walked inside to see Jodi and Grace sitting on the bed watching Finding Nemo on the television.

    "Mommy?" Grace called out softly.

    "Hi, baby. Are you and Aunty Jodi watching Nemo?" Y/n asked quietly, climbing onto the bed next to her. Pulling Grace onto her side and snuggling up with her.

    "Yeah. Aunt Jodi said we need to stay up here for a little while. So she put in a movie."

    "Can't go wrong with a fish story." Jodi chuckled.

    "Well, Aunt Jodi was right." Y/n smiled and then looked worriedly at Jodi. "Uhm, Jodi. Would you mind going downstairs and checking on the visitor we have... And can you send Sam up here, please?"

    "Of course, honey."

    "It's quite the surprise... But, it's really him." Y/n whispered as Jodi stood off the bed. She looked at her curiously and then nodded, heading out of the room and shutting the door behind her.

    "What's going on, mama?" Grace looked up at her mother's face, and put a small hand on her cheek. "Why were you crying?" She asked as she noticed the puffiness of her mother's eyes.

    "Oh, because, mama was so happy, and terrified all at once. Sometime's grown up's cry too." Y/n explained, holding her daughter's small hand on her cheek.

    "Like I do, sometime's when I'm sad?" Grace asked and Y/n nodded.

    "Baby, there's something, mommy and daddy need to talk to you about..."


Falling In Love With A Winchester: A Dean X Reader and a Sam x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now