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    "Can I come in?" Sam asked softly, rapping on the door.

    "Daddy!" Grace squealed loudly.

    "Hi, Peanut. How's it going in here?" Sam looked between his girl's sadly.

    "Daddy, were you crying too, like Mommy?" Grace looked at Sam's puffy eyes and tear stained face.

    "Uh, yeah. Sometimes, Mommies and Daddies have to cry to. But don't you worry your pretty little head about it. We are okay." Sam smiled softly and walked over to the bed. Taking a seat against the headrest. The three of them cuddled up together. Sam played with Gracie's blonde curls and looked worriedly at Y/n. She grabbed his hand and held it tight.

    "Like I was saying, sweetie. Mommy and Daddy have to talk to you about something really important, okay? So we have to put our listening ear's on, and if you have any question's we will answer you the best we can." Y/n stroked her cheeks gently and Grace nodded.
She reached her hand's up and pretended to put listening ear's on. They smiled at her actions and looked at each other with a deep breath.

    "Peanut, there's someone downstairs that Mommy and I would be really happy for you to meet, okay?" Sam said carefully.

    "Yes, he's a very special person that is near and dear to our heart's. He's been gone for a long time... Uhm, honey can you grab the picture off Dad's nightstand?" Y/n asked. Sam nodded and got off the bed. He walked into Bobby's room, grabbing the picture of the four of them from the stand. He walked back in and handed the picture to Grace.

    "This is Mommy, Daddy, Papa, and... Dean?" Grace asked carefully. She made a little frown. "But you said he was in heaven with my Grandma's and Grandpa John."

    "Well, that's what we thought, baby." Y/n said quietly.

    "But it turn's out. He was just missing for a while. But he's safe and home now." Sam continued.

    "Oh, okay." She frowned and relaxed a little. "Who is he?" She asked the question they both had no idea how to answer. They looked at each other and knew they needed to be delicate about it.

    "Well, to start with he's Dean Winchester. Grace and..." Sam started.

    "Is he your brother, Daddy?" Grace asked realizing the name connection.

    "Well, yea... But, peanut..."

    "So, I have an Uncle? That's so cool!" She squealed. Grace attempted to get off the bed but they both grabbed her and sat her back down.

    "Grace, Dean is not your Uncle." Y/n said to her, making her look up at her in confusion. "He is family, very close family. But, not an Uncle. Now, Gracie." She looked at Sam sadly. "No matter what we are a family, okay? You, me and Daddy. We want to make sure you understand that."

    "Okay." Grace nodded trying to keep up.

    "Grace, sometime's grown up's love more than one person." Sam said softly and brushed her hair with his big fingers. "Before your Mom and I fell in love. She loved Dean. And before he... disappeared, they were going to" Sam explained carefully and they both watched their daughter's facial expression change trying to process the information. "We know, you're still to young to understand most of this but, I love you Grace so much." He expressed wholeheartedly.

    "Sam is your Daddy, baby. But Dean... H-He's the one who helped bring you into the world." Y/n tried to explain.

    "So... I have a different Daddy?" She whimpered quietly, and a couple tear's fell from her eyes. "I-I don't want another daddy! Do I have to stop calling you, Daddy?" She began weeping and looked up at Sam. His eye's widened and Sam scooped her up in his arm's.

Falling In Love With A Winchester: A Dean X Reader and a Sam x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now