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Y/n finished backing her and Sam's clothing and packed up the grocery's to take with them. So she had missed the whole argument between Sam and Dean. She couldn't deny that she was feeling slightly conflicted at the moment, but there was one thing that rang through through her heart. And that was that she loved Sam. Yes, Dean was at one point the love of her life and the father of her child, so that complicated things. But she couldn't deny her feelings for Sam and everything he had done for her over the past two years. And if she was really getting candid and honest, her feeling's for Sam went years beyond that.

Dean walked down the steps of the house and into the kitchen where Y/n stood looking dazed at the grocery bags in front of her. Dean noticed and carefully walked up, so not to spook her.

    "You need some help?" He asked softly after clearing his throat to make his presence known.

    "Huh, oh, yeah. That would be great." Y/n said with a soft smile. Dean smiled back at her and grabbed a few of the bags, leading the way outside.

    "So..." Dean started as the walked towards the car. "I'm at a bit of a loss on what to say here." He chuckled awkwardly.

    "I know. Me too." She sighed. "I-I don't want you to think that we aren't happy that your back Dean. It's just... You have to understand, we tried everything to get you back, but Chuck..." Y/n explained, tears rising up into her eyes.

    "I know, Sam told me." Dean said softly. He placed the bags in the trunk of the SUV and turned back towards her, giving her a sympathetic smile seeing her tears. "I didn't choose to throw any dampers in your happy little life here and I hope you guys know that. I don't know what brought me back, but we'll get our answers, okay?" He rubbed her arm gently.

    "Like I said, we're happy your home, Dean. Beyond happy. It's just going to be an adjustment for us all. My main concern is and will always be Grace. She's only four. We have to do things slowly with her, and just now with all of this. I'm so so worried, Dean. I can't have her get hurt."

    "Shh." He shushed her and pulled her in tight. "I swear on my never ending life, Y/n. I will never let anything happen to either of you, or Sam. We will figure this all out."

He leaned into her and her into him. Sam walked out towards the car with a scowl on his face seeing them so close. Specially after Dean smirked at him.

    "Okay, we should probably get going. It's late and we still have a five hour drive back to the bunker." Sam said after clearing his throat.

    "Not so fast, Moose." An all to familiar British accent rang out from behind them. Dean pulled Y/n behind him and Sam cocked his gun. "Well, well. Isn't this quite the welcome wagon." Crowley chuckled. "Nice to see you again after, what five years, Samuel? And Dean, well you're looking as alive as ever. Y/n. Sweet, sweet, Y/n. Hello lovely, where's the mini Winchester?"

    "Sleeping." Y/n walked out from behind Dean with her arms crossed, full mama bear mode activating. "What are you doing here, Crowley? Did you send your little minions to destroy my house?"

    "Now, why would I do that?" Crowley asked with his eyebrows innocently raised.

    "Because you're Crowley. A untrustworthy demon that we haven't see in five years." Sam raised his eyebrows as he spoke.    

    "After everything we've been through?" He scoffed.

    "You know something." Cas stated appearing from the car. Crowley smirked and eye'd the angel up and down.

    "You'd be correct, my feathered friend. I've come to warn you all, as an old friend. Dear old Lucifer is out. Somehow managed to get himself released. The demons who did this to your house, were his little minions. One's who don't follow my orders anymore. I have my best people on it though. Seem's like he's burning through vessels faster than he can find a new one."

Falling In Love With A Winchester: A Dean X Reader and a Sam x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now