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Bobby and Y/n made up burger patties. Cas and Sam played with Grace in the living room. There was a gentle knock at the door and before anyone could answer it, Jodi Mill's walked inside.

    "Hey, guys." She said happily.

    "Jodi! It's so good to see you. How have thing's been?" Y/n asked as she wiped her hand's and after giving Jodi a big welcoming hug.

    "Oh, you know. Being sheriff make's thing's forever busy." She chuckled.

    "Where are the girls?" Bobby asked as he walked by her with the plate of raw meat.

    "Couldn't come today. They were both busy. But, they send their regards. Now, where is my little peanut." Jodi looked around. Grace ran out of the living room and jumped into her arm's.

    "Aunt Jodi!" Grace squealed.

    "Hi, baby girl. Have you been being good for mommy and daddy?" Jodi asked and she nodded back at her.

    "Aunt Jodi. I made you a picture." Grace grinned. Jodi set her down and patted her head.

    "Let me give this to mommy and i'll follow you so you can show me." She told her and Grace skipped back into the living room. "I made a traditional salad, I figured Sam, probably wanted some with dinner tonight."

    "Thanks, Jodi. He'll be thrilled. We're having burger's, Gracie and I made pie. Dad made some potato egg salad to so this is great." She grinned at her friend and placed the salad bowl into the fridge. "She's been really excited about showing you her drawing's all day." (Y/n) laughed.

    "I can only imagine. I'm just as excited to see them. It's been a long time since I was given a colored a picture." She chuckled with a sad expression. She quickly shook it away and walked into the living room.

    "Hey." Sam kissed Y/n quickly.

    "Hi." She chuckled.

    "I'm just gonna run out, see if Bobby need's any help." He quickly kissed her cheek and headed out the door before she could say anymore.

    "Uhm, okay." Y/n said quietly. She shook her head with a smile and turned around. Watching Jodi and Cas interact with her daughter.

    "Y/n, I drew a bee." Cas smiled and held up a picture, making her laugh softly.

    "That's great, Cas."

    "Uncle Cas, can I see?" Grace asked him quietly. He gave her the picture and she smiled at it.

    "Wow." She admired it. "Can I keep it?" He nodded his head at her. "Then I shall treasure mine too." Grace repeated copying him from earlier. Running over and handing the picture to Y/n. She neatly folded it for her and placed it in Grace's pant's pocket.

Sam walked back inside and stood by the doorway with Y/n. Both leaning against the wall, in each other's arm's watching Jodi and Cas interact with Grace. A small part of her wished that Dean could be here to be involved as part of this loving little family. Heck all their loving family members they'd lost along the way. And yet some how the way it was, was just as perfect.

    "Y/n, can you get the door." Bobby huffed out, holding the full plate of cooked burger's. She walked over to the screen and opened it up for him.

    "Okay, guy's dinner's ready. Grace, let's go wash your hand's, okay?" Y/n called out to her daughter. She looked up at her mom and smiled.

    "Okay, mommy." She got up from the floor and walked over to her mom.

Falling In Love With A Winchester: A Dean X Reader and a Sam x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now