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    "No, it goes in here." Grace said to Dean as he attempted to buckle her in. Sam and Y/n came walking over to the car and they both chuckled. Y/n climbed into the passenger seat.

    "Having some trouble?" Sam asked his brother.

    "I just... These stupid buckles... I can't..." He huffed and back away.

    "It's alright, you'll get it eventually." Sam patted his shoulder and scooted in between him and the door to buckle Grace in her car seat. "See, you just put each piece in like this." Sam demonstrated while Dean watched on.

    "Well, as angry as I am right now. I suppose, I should thank you." Dean said as Sam shut Grace's door. He looked at him in surprise.

    "For what?" Sam asked curiously.

    "Thanking you for taking care of my kid as if she were your own. I can see the way you both look at each other, I just hope one day she'll look at me the same way." He said sadly.

    "You know, she's just like you." Sam said after a minute. Dean looked up at Sam. "Very quite, a pretty closed off kid. But once you break her from that shell, she's... she's a really great. Smart, wonderful in every way you could imagine. She'll love you like no other, once she get's to know you better." Sam patted Dean on the shoulder and he opened his door climbing into the driver's door. Dean walked around the car and sat in the back as they took off toward's home.

To say he was nervous to see where they'd been staying was an understatement. He wasn't sure if his heart could take it. The car ride was quiet for a little while until Dean finally broke the silence.

    "So, what the hell kinda car is this?" Dean asked.

    "Mommy! Dean said a bad word!" Grace tattled.

    "Sorry, Dean. We try not to swear around her." Y/n explained.

    "Sorry, Grace. Uh, What kinda of car is this?" He rephrased.

    "Well, we had to get something that was gas friendly and fit for a kid. At least it's still American made." Sam pointed out.

    "All right, i'll give you that." Dean grumbled in the back. "Still not as good as my baby, though."

    "I like baby." Grace chirped from her seat.

Dean turned and looked at the little girl surprised once again. He wasn't totally sure of what she was talking about. Because she's four, who knows she could be talking about regular babies.

    "You sure do don't you, Gracie." Y/n chuckled.

    "Yeah. I have to ask Daddy to take me into the garage just so I can see it. Sometimes he let's me sit in it." She shrugged.

    "Well, maybe one day I can take you for a ride in baby. How's that sound?" Dean asked, impressed by how much his kid was truly like him. He'd only just met this small human and he already knew he was going to be wrapped around her little fingers.

    "Yay! I'd love that! We have to take my car seat though." Grace pointed out and the whole car chuckled.

After a while of driving and just the soft sound of music playing in the car. Everyone was itching to either get out of the car, dive in and get everything out in the open, or have a million questions they wanted answers too. Dean was the first one to break the silence.

    "So, uh, where do you guys live? Like, what's it like?"

    "Well, we live in a three bedroom house that Sam and I bought together. It's a good little house, on a dead end street, neighbors are about a mile away so it's fairly private. It's got a decent backyard for Grace to play in." Y/n explained quietly. Grace had drifted off to sleep and she didn't want to wake her up just yet.

Falling In Love With A Winchester: A Dean X Reader and a Sam x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now