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Y/n took in a deep breath and exhaled. Sam squeezed her hand in reassurance.

    "I'll go down first. I'll call you down." She whispered and Sam agreed.

Y/n walked down the stairs and back into the kitchen meeting that face, she didn't think she'd ever get used to seeing again.

    "Uhm. Grace would like to come down and meet you." She said softly and Dean quickly sat up from his chair. She put her hand's up to calm him. "But, she's nervous. She's very shy around people she doesn't know. And a lot of information has just been sprung on her. So, Sam and I told her that if she feels uncomfortable at anytime she can take a break. Understood?" She said firmly. Her protectiveness coming out over her daughter.

    "Yes, anything she want's. I don't want to make her uncomfortable. I just... I just want to meet her." Dean stated desperately.

    "Okay." She nodded and looked up the stairs. "Sam? You can bring her down now."

Dean stood next to the fridge in anticipation. His palm's sweaty, heart racing. This was it. He was about to meet his little girl. The one he was so excited about when Y/n first told him that she was pregnant. The one he spoke to for endless amounts of time in her mom's belly. The one he love to blow raspberries at and get kicked in the face as a response. This was the big moment he'd been waiting for. Maybe not the exact one he'd hoped for, but he'd make due.

Y/n stood at the bottom of the stairs. Heart racing, body sweating, she was so nervous about her daughter meeting her biological father for the first time. Sam walked down the stairs with Grace in his arms. He could feel his own heart racing along with her's. He grabbed her little hand and held it tightly, giving her a smile. Grace wrapped her arm's around his neck and Sam clutched the little girl in his arm's tightly. He took the final step and stood next to Y/n. Grace faced away from Dean looking at Jodi and Bobby. Dean let out a breathe he didn't realize he'd even been holding.

    "Grace. Someone would like to meet you. Can you turn around and say hello?" Y/n gently rubbed Gracie's back as she spoke. The little bob of blonde curls, went up and down as she nodded. She slowly turned her head and reached for her mom. Y/n immediately reached for her. Taking her from Sam and held her on her own hip, moving the small child's hair out of her face. Green eye's met green eyes. "Grace this is Dean. Dean, this is Grace." Y/n stated as she looked between the two while they just stared at each other.

    "Wow. She's gorgeous." He breathed finally breaking the silence after a few minutes. He looked between his daughter and Y/n. She was so much better than he could have ever imagined. "Hi, Grace. Uhm, my name's Dean Winchester. It's really nice to meet you." He said softly taking a nervous step forward.

Y/n felt Grace's grip tighten on her for a moment, before letting out a small breath of her own. She clung to her mother, but slowly reach out her other hand.

    "Hi." She squeaked. "I'm Grace Mary Winchester..." Dean grabbed her soft little hand and shook it carefully as though he was afraid he'd break her. "Mommy?" She whispered.

    "Yes, sweetheart?" She whispered back.

    "He has green eye's just like mine." Grace noted quietly making Dean and Sam chuckle.

    "Yep. Matching bright emerald green eyes." Y/n laughed. "You know what else you have in common?" Grace shook her head lightly. "Maybe you should ask him to try some of your apple pie..." She whispered.

    "But that's my pie!" Grace whined, making the whole room laugh. She and her mother looked at each other and Grace sighed. "D-Dean... Do you like pie?" Grace asked softly.

Falling In Love With A Winchester: A Dean X Reader and a Sam x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now