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The first day went off without a hitch. No signs or messages from Cas or Crowley. It was a peaceful day for the Winchester family to just spend together and get to know each other. Mary was slightly confused about the whole Grace calling Sam, Daddy thing at first, but after all the information had been brought out into the open she understood and commended her son for raising his brothers child as his own.

There were a few moments of tension when it came to explaining things to Grace, about what she could and couldn't touch in the Bunker. Jealous looks received on both ends when it came to Grace asking for things. It was like a competition and Y/n was already tired of it. Sam and Dean were butting heads over parenting her. They knew a massive discussion was going to be needed after Grace went to bed.
They all sat at the table just after finishing dinner, which was just fried chicken from a restaurant up the road, beers for the adults and a juice cup for Grace. Dean threw down his napkin and sighed a happy sigh.

    "Oh, that was fantastic. Thank you, Mom." Dean said happily.

    "All I did was point at some stuff on a take out menu." Mary chuckled slightly as she set a box of pie down on the table. Both Dean and Grace's eye lit up just from seeing the box. "I would've cooked, but I, uh... Don't."

    "It's okay, Mary. This was great. Thanks for agreeing to come with me and get it." Y/n chuckled. Both woman winked at each other which made the boys slightly curious.

They had girl time and talk in the car, which was a nice bonding experience for them both. Mary understood better her feelings for her boys and what kind of stuck situation she was now in. Mary didn't blame her one bit for anything that was going on as it was completely out of her control. She was just happy that her boys had a woman's presence in their life and that Y/n made them both happy.

    "Well, now, wait." Dean spoke as he adjust himself in his seat. "Your meatloaf was amazing."

    "It came from the Piggly Wiggly. Sorry to burst your bubble." Mary leaned forward on her hand watching her son's face change through a range of emotions. "But, I hear you still like pie. Along with someone else. So Y/n and I got this one from the store."

    "I mean," Dean tried to play if off cool. But he quickly grabbed a fork and the pie box ready to dig in.

    "Wait don't hog it all! I want some!" Grace squealed in fear.

    "Sorry, Dean. You have to learn to share pie now." Y/n chuckled.

    "You're lucky your cute, kid. I don't share pie with just anyone." Dean scoffed playfully. He cut a very small piece of pie and slid it over to Grace's placemat. She frowned at the piece making all the adults laugh.

    "She's just like you." Mary smiled as she watched.

    "I know. We're in trouble." Dean chuckled. "Here ya go, kiddo."

He gave her a much bigger piece of pie on top of the small sliver of a piece. (Y/n) opened her mouth to complain that it was to much pie for her. But Grace had already started to dig in. She shrugged in acceptance. One day wouldn't hurt. It was a good day after all.

    "Sam." Mary spoke up breaking everyone from their thoughts. Sam was still just staring slightly agape at Mary. "You keep looking at me like I'm going to explode."

    "I-I'm sorry." He chuckled and shook his head. "It's still surreal that you're even here. Both of you."

They all stopped and stared at Dean and Grace as they shoveled the pie into their mouths, making their little happy groaning sounds. Y/n and Sam both looking on in embarrassment and Mary watching curiously.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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