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magnetism of his entire being. It's all overwhelmingly intoxicating.

"Luca." I whisper politely as he pulls away from me.


Our eyes lock for a moment, and I feel the punch to my stomach.

"Happy Birthday," he murmurs, his tone low and deep before the air around me cools as the heat of his attention leaves me.

He starts to turn away from me, and in a desperate attempt to keep his attention on me for a moment longer. I say, "I'm surprised you came."

He glances back at me. "Why wouldn't I?"

I shrug as I hook my arm through Violet's. "The Luca Cotroni is always so busy. I didn't think you'd make it."


"It's your birthday. I thought I'd spare ten minutes," he mutters before turning away and shutting me down completely.

Gorgeous bastard.

I steer Violet away from Viktor and Luca while they start to talk about business.

"Why do you always get worked up around Luca?" Violet


"You know why."

"Still, you'd think after years of doing this dance with him, you'd give up and find someone else to lust after. It would exhaust the hell out of me."

CHOSEN BY A SINNER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now