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Viktor nods. "I'll check for any news regarding the hit."

"Let me know if you find anything."

"Will do."

Viktor heads into the building while I slide behind the steering wheel. Driving back to the apartment is a bitch, and I try to use my left arm as little as possible.

I pull into the basement and park in my regular spot, but

the moment I climb out and don't see Ivan and Lev, a frown

darkens my forehead.

I yank my phone out of my pocket and see a missed call from Mariya, but she didn't bother leaving a message. Heading up to the apartment, I already know what I'm going to find, and after the gunfight, it's the last thing I'm in the mood for.

When the elevator doors open and I don't find Mariya in

the apartment, unreasonable anger floods my veins.

Christ, she's testing me on the wrong fucking day.

CHOSEN BY A SINNER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now