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Am I really going to do this?

Will I be able to keep the attraction I feel for him a secret?

I sit down on the bed and stare at the shut bathroom door.

What are you doing, Mariya? Luca sees this as the perfect business deal. Even if he sleeps with you or shows you any kind of affection, it won't be because he suddenly fell in love with you.

I've always wanted the kind of love my parents have. Dad loved Mom so much, he did everything in his power to get her.

I want a man who melts at the sight of me, who sees no other woman but me, who will burn down this planet for me.

I want a once-in-a-lifetime kind of love.

I'll never be happy knowing Luca only treats me as his

wife because it's a good business decision. Dammit! I want romance and seduction.

Screw this. The hangover is still kicking my ass. I need sleep

Getting up, I grab my bag and stalk out of Luca's bedroom. I check the guestrooms and pick the one furthest from Luca's.

The whole place is decorated in blacks and grays, not a stitch of color to be seen. It's stunning but cold, just like the owner.

I set my bag down on the bed, and opening it, I remove a pair of shorts and a form-fitting sleeveless tank top. Once I'm dressed in the casual clothes, I chuck my bag on the floor and go to the bathroom to wash my face.

CHOSEN BY A SINNER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now