Chapter 24

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Fuck driving. We took a helicopter to Tijuana.

It's dark as we touch down a short distance from the building where Mariya's apparently being held. Everyone is armed to the teeth.

My eyes scour the area below, my fingers flexing around the submachine gun.

"Move! Move! Move!" I roar, and we spill out of the

helicopter like the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

As we run away from the downwind chopping the air, I move to the side of the road and head for the building.

Nearing the dilapidated piece of shit, movement catches my eye by the side of the building.

Uncle Demitri lifts his rifle and checks through the scope,

then says, "It's Mariya. Faster. She's got men on her tail." Viktor shoves his weapon to his side and runs as fast as he

fucking can, shouting, "Mariya!"

Fuck this.

I throw the weapon to the ground and push myself harder than I ever have, sprinting past Viktor for the first time.

CHOSEN BY A SINNER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now