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Relieved, I smile at her. "Hugging?"

"A definite yes. I'm a hugger." Her smile matches mine,

setting me at ease.

"Good to know." I tap my fingers on the table, then raise a

more sensitive topic. "Sex?"

This time she glances away, but I can see she's thinking, so I give her the time she needs. Finally, she locks eyes with me again. "Only if it comes naturally and actually means something. It's not to be used as a weapon or tool to control

me." I'm surprised by her answer. I expected a flat-out no from her. "I agree."

Her fingers wrap around the stem of the glass. "Look at us

getting along for once." "Miracles happen," I tease, which makes a smile flirt with her lips.

Wanting to get to know all of her, I ask, "Do you like

messages or phone calls?"

"Phone calls for conversations and messages if it's just

something quick."

I nod, actually enjoying this moment of calm between us. "Pet peeves?"

She lets out a chuckle. "When someone bosses me

around." Laughter escapes me. "Damn, we're going to fight about

that one."

CHOSEN BY A SINNER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now