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It feels like I've been thrown into an alternate universe where nothing makes sense anymore.

Uncle Alexei and Aunt Bella leave to see their daughter.

Viktor places his hand on my shoulder. "We'll go after them."

I sit back down, and leaning my elbows on my knees, I cover my face with my hands.

Mariya's going to need rehabilitation. Her left leg will take weeks, if not months, to heal, and her hand is practically fucked.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I dial Marco's


"Any news?" he asks.

"She's in an induced coma. I need you to find a single- level apartment or house. Make sure it's wheelchair friendly. Have our belongings moved to the new place and make it happen in the next two weeks."

"Got it, boss."

"Also, put every man we have on finding the fucker behind these attacks."

"Yes, boss."

"Thanks, Marco," I say before ending the call.

I straighten my jacket and square my shoulders because I'll have to be stronger than ever to eradicate the Albanians and help my wife with her recovery.

Come hell or high water, I'll fucking carry her every step

of the way until she's able to walk on her own again.

CHOSEN BY A SINNER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now