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I take another strangled breath as I use a propane tank next to the building to keep my balance, but the pain in my leg has me falling onto my hands and knees in an open area. I start to crawl, stones digging into my palms.

Keep going.

Just keep going.

Koslovs don't give up until our last breaths.

I hear howling and maniacal laughter behind me. Easily

ten men. Pushing myself back to my feet, I struggle with the clip of the gun, my eyes still going in and out of focus.

One bullet. Shit.

One of the men lets out a sharp whistle to taunt me.

Go fuck yourself, asshole.

I stumble to the side, push the clip back in and train the gun on the propane tank.

At least I got the past couple of days with Luca. It's more than I could've hoped for.

As the men creep closer, slapping baseball bats against their palms and aiming their weapons at me, a broken sob escapes me.

I'm not ready to die. Jesus. There was still so much I wanted to do.

Another sob bursts over my lips.

I love you, Luca. So much.

CHOSEN BY A SINNER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now