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Without hesitation, I say, "You look so much more

beautiful without all the makeup." Her head snaps back as if I physically struck her, her lips

parting in shock.

A compliment from me was the last thing she expected.

Her reaction makes me feel shitty, and I make a mental

note to compliment her more.

Wanting to share an ordinary moment with her, I say, "Come on, let's get something to eat." She glances at a small bag on the bed. "If we're going out,

I need a couple minutes to get ready." Stepping forward, I take hold of her hand and pull her out

of the room. "You're perfect as is, and I'm starving."

"Luca," she protests, rearing back against my hold. "You

don't have to drag me."

"Apparently, I do," I mutter.

She tries to free her hand again. "I need my purse!"

"No, you don't." I tug her down the stairs, and reaching the bottom, I glance at her. "I have a phone and wallet, so basically, I'm all you need."

"You wish."

When we step into the elevator, Mariya's fingers flex in my hold as she sighs, "It's going to be a long six months if you insist on being unreasonable."

"Only if you keep being stubborn."

CHOSEN BY A SINNER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now