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"Baby," Uncle Alexei murmurs, trying to take hold of her arm.

Aunt Bella yanks away from him, her Latino temper flaring hotter. "Don't baby me."

She comes to stand in front of me, her eyes cold as ice. "I want the head of the man who did this to my daughter on a golden fucking platter."

I nod, silently vowing to find and kill whoever's involved with the attack on my wife's life. Her chin quivers, then she asks, "Did you at least make her

happy the past three days?"

"I loved her with all that I am."

Aunt Bella's face crumbles, and she turns to Uncle Alexei

for comfort. Needing a moment alone, I step out of the waiting room and aimlessly walk down the hallway.

Not even three days in, and I already failed Mariya. She was mine to protect. I should've had an army guarding her every move.

It's such a bitter pill to swallow I almost choke on it.

I stop in front of floor-to-ceiling windows and stare

blankly into the night.

Please survive this.

I feel a hand on my back, then my parents come to stand on either side of me. Mom takes my hand while Dad gives me a sideways hug.

CHOSEN BY A SINNER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now