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"If you're sexting my sister while standing right next to me, I'm going to fucking rip your ballsack off," Viktor mutters.

I let out a bark of laughter, then look at the screen again. There's one Albanian fucker wearing a hoodie, and we can't get a good look at his face.

"Anything on the other guy?" I ask as I look at the facial recognition software scanning his face through the system.


A knock at the door has me straightening up, and when I open it, the receptionist from the lobby smiles politely at me. "The envelope, Sir."

"Thanks." I take it from her and shut the door. I tear the side open and frown when there are no papers. I tip it over,

and something shiny falls from it, bouncing on the floor.

The blood in my veins turns to ice, and a hard tremor rocks

the ground beneath my feet.


As if in a trance, I crouch down and pick up the wedding ring.

"What's that?" Viktor asks. I hear his seat squeak as he gets up. "Luca?"

Darting up, I yank the door open and call out, "Stacy!"

The receptionist startles, quickly turning back. "Sir?"

"Who gave you the envelope?"

"A courier guy."

I swing to Viktor. "Pull up the security footage for the lobby?"

He gets to work, muttering, "Care to fill me in on why I'm doing this?"

CHOSEN BY A SINNER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now