Chapter 43: The Beginning Of Chaos

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The scene opens with what seems to be a dark room, a round stone table was placed right in the centre along with what seemed to be velvet thrones each with a elemental emblem, water, fire, lightning, wind, light. Inaudible voices were heard from the table as conversations had gone on.

???: "Ugh, these chairs always hurt my ass. Can't we afford better chairs..or at least steal them?"

???: "Are you dumb? We can't attract attention to ourselves. Anyway why the fuck have we all been summoned here in the first place? This shit is so rare and I had shit to do today."

???: "Lemme guess, be an arsonist and hunt down people that owe you money?"

???: "BAHAHAHA, good joke for a bitch that goes around giving blowjobs to everyone."

???: "Excuse me?! Don't describe my powers in such a lewd manner! You're such a hot head!"

Light giggling was heard in the background, the two looked at the culprit before saying in sync.

???: "I don't know why you're laughing, your powers make people wet!"

???: "Eh?!?!"

Suddenly from the distance, the sound of clacking heels were heard throughout the halls. The three fell silent before staring forward. A blonde lady was revealed, her long blonde hair flowed down to her back, the back of her ears were pierced along with the bottoms, she had hazel eyes..she seemed so heavenly and angelic. A bright light was radiated from her as she sat down on her throne, she crossed her legs before placing both her hands on the table.

???: "Now, enough with the vulgar talk. It's unbecoming of our group, do you wish for our leader to punish us?"

The room fell silent, the blonde had a small smirk.

???: "I like that answer. Unfortunately our leader could not make it, so I will be conducting this meeting."

???: "For fuck sakes, he's barely ever in! What the hell could he be doing that's more important THAN DOING THE MEETING HE CALLED?!"

???: "Do you have to shout you hot head? Your voice is so abrasive, it's annoying."


???: "I'VE HAD IT WITH Y-"

The blonde lady raised her finger before saying.

???: "Clover, swap seats with llaydia."

Clover: "Ugh..fine."

???: "That's right bitch!"

???: "Atlas, anymore outbursts out of you and that will mean you are intentionally trying to stop this meeting. Which means I will have to personally silence you, are we clear?"

Atlas: "Tch.."

???: "I am glad we came to an agreement. Now onto the main cause of concern for this meeting."

The blonde threw a newspaper onto the table before sitting back to cross her arms under her bust.

???: "We have quite the issue, this boy has stopped one of our main sting operations in New York. We have been set back quite aways. Venator is a good ally, but his whereabouts are unknown..this makes me feel quite irritated. Our influence spreading will have to be halted for now."

Atlas: "So this pissant kid got in the way huh? Send me out there I'll burn this piece of shit to a crisp."

llaydia: "They're calling him some sort of Messiah for saving the city."

Clover: "Don't be ridiculous. That boy looks no stronger than an ant. How could Venator lose to him?"

???: "I do not know, but if he was to lose to him. He must be formidable. Fortunately for us, One of our contacts has spotted him, this "Messiah" is going to Italy for some strange reason. I will spin the wheel of all our elements to see who will pay this boy a visit."

Atlas: "It's always a game of chance, this is bullshit."

Clover: "Stop complaining dumbass and just wait."

The scene changed and we see Zeldris, Tabitha, Phoebe, Cosmo and Ada stepping off the plane. Zeldris raised his hand to cover his eyes from the rising sun, he took a deep breath before saying.

Zeldris: "So this is Italy? I've seen better."

Ada: "It is quite the sight to behold, I was booked to do a gig here but New York had much better to offer."

Tabitha: "Still, it is nice to visit around. I hear the pizza is to die for here."

Cosmo: "Pizza?! Yummy!!!"

Phoebe: "I agree! I can't wait to explore around with my Zelly!"

Zeldris grabbed his suitcase before walking forward, the group followed behind him.

Zeldris: "Now, you two do not run off. We're in a place we've never been before and if you get lost or get hurt it's your own fault."

Cosmo/Phoebe: "Yeah, you heard him!"

Zeldris: "I was talking about you two."

Cos/Pho: "EH?!?!"

Zeldris: "Ugh, anyway let's just get g-"

As Zeldris walked out onto the street, a young lady wearing a yellow silk dress ran into him falling with him into the ground. Zeldris sat up before saying lowly.

Zeldris: "Watch where you're going!"

???: "That's my line!..have you seen my glasses? I can't find them!"

The young lady began to feel around on the ground as she looked for them. Zeldris used his right hand to sweep his hair from his face before looking over and grabbing her glasses, he then gave them to her before standing up. The young lady slipped them on before fixing them.

???: "Thank you so much!"

Zeldris: "It's whatever, actually I got a question."

???: "I'm sorry! I'm in a bit of a rush, I'll answer it if we ever see each other again!"

The young lady ran off. Zeldris scoffed before tucking his hands into his pockets.

Tabitha: "Well that just happened."

Ada: "It appears Zeldris is quite fortunate with women."

Zeldris: "It's not like that, she just ran into me."

Phoebe: "That's right, Zelly belongs to me!"

Zeldris: "No I don't dude."

Phoebe pouted slightly.

Phoebe: "So mean!!"

Zeldris: "Anyway we should get moving, standing around isn't going to get us anywhere."

Tabitha: "Italy..I guess there's hardly time for a vacation?"

Ada: "Not with Zeldris around, but I will happily ensure he gets what he so desires."

Phoebe: "Right!"

Cosmo: "Master!..can we stop for pizza?"

Zeldris: "After we unp-..what happened here?"

As the group looked around, there were posters of what seemed to be a man with a goatee and a fedora with the words below. "Join the winning side today!"

Tabitha: "It's propaganda..could it be, there's some sort of war going on?"

Ada: "If that were the case, Italy would be all over the news."

Phoebe: "But everyone knows propaganda is useless!"

Cosmo: "Master..what should we do?"

Zeldris: "We should visit one of the leaders and ask what the hell is going on..tch it's always extra steps, nothing is ever straight forward."

The group stared forward, denizens were running..some held flags screaming words in the was quite the sight.

Chapter End!

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