Chapter 44: The Barnardi Family

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The scene opens with the group descending onto the battlefield, the sounds of rushing footsteps got closer along with the sound of rippling flags.


Zeldris: "I guess we got the names of the two factions, now where the hell can we find them?"

Phoebe: "Maybe we could ask someone."

Tabitha: "I doubt a random soldier would willingly give us the answer of where their leader is."

Zeldris: "Well, maybe with a little push they'll talk."

Tabitha: "Sheesh, can't we go anywhere without having to forcefully pry answers out of someone."

As Tabitha had said that, a soldier was rushing by and Zeldris grabbed him before holding his hand over his face.

Zeldris: "Curse of the Moon: Mesmerising Moon."

The soldiers body suddenly was covered in a white aura before the soldiers body slumped, having quite the empty look.

Zeldris: "Alright, now I've got a few questions and you will do us the honours of answering them. Where can I find your boss?"

Zeldris questioned firmly as he grabbed the soldiers collar. The soldiers words were slurred but the soldier replied in an empty fashion.

Soldier: "I..would..rather...die..than..sell..out."

Zeldris was surprised..he thought that his curse power would easily hypnotise him and allow him to get his answer. However, this man's will was strong and his will allowed him to keep his secrets locked inside, Zeldris cut his eyes before sighing and letting go.

Zeldris: "Ada."

Ada: "Yes, Zeldris?"

Zeldris: "Out of all of us here, I feel like when it comes to torturing people to get answers. You're most likely to do it know because of the side effect of your curse."

Ada gasped before saying.

Ada: "That's quite the deduction Zeldris, but I am still a lady besides the sadistic nature of my curse..although I do owe it to you and a lady always abides by her words so I will do it."

Ada summoned her guitar before stepping forward toward the man, she raised her foot and a speaker appeared in front of the man. Ada placed her foot on the speaker before saying to the group.

Ada: "You may want to cover your ears."

As she had said that, the group covered their ears. Ada then plucked a string from her guitar and a loud screech was heard, the soldiers ears were ringing and he could barely even move as his whole body vibrated.

Ada: "Now, I'm not really one to skip the foreplay, but I don't like to keep people waiting, dear. Would you like to cooperate with us or shall I play another long note to shake things up?"

Ada said with quite the sadistic grin, the man began to recover from the previous method of pain. He looked at the group, his eyes were rattling due to the vibrations that rippled from within him. He then raised his hand which shook violently, it was pointing to a large mansion hidden amongst the other smaller buildings. The soldier then passed out.

Zeldris: "Let's move. If we stay out here any longer, a stray bullet might hit us."

Tabitha: "Is it okay to just leave him there?"

Ada: "Do not threat, he'll be just fine."

As Ada had Said that, Cosmo transformed back into his cat form before he started to walk beside Zeldris. Phoebe summoned a rather large drip leaf that covered over the incapacitated soldier to guard him. The group then followed along toward the mansion.

The scene changed and Zeldris and the group were in front of the mansion. There were many guards at the front that stood prim, they had Tommy guns locked and loaded awaiting for an intruder to try their luck.

Cosmo: "Master..what should we do?"

Zeldris: "I have a bad feeling about this, we shouldn't just rush in."

Tabitha: "I agree, they have so much security and we don't even know anything about the family..or what curses they could have."

Phoebe: "Should we try to talk to them?"

Ada giggled before saying.

Ada: "My Phoebe, how adorable. Your free thinking always makes me giggle."

Zeldris: "Let me handle this."

Zeldris walked up to the gate, the guards took aim at him cocking their guns.

Guard 1: "You're a little far from home aren't ya?"

Guard 2: "Another step forward, I'll have ya sleeping with the fishes."

Zeldris: "Easy, I'm not here to fight. I just want to talk with your boss."

Guard 1: "Wait a minute, ay Pino. Ain't this the little brat that took out Venator?"

Pino: "You mean the boy in the newspaper, this the guy? Boss was pissed when he found out one of his main business contacts was shut down. Since our weapons trade went bust without our supplier, the Cordriano's grew a pair and made their move."

Zeldris: "Yeah I took him out, he isn't dead. Well, last time I saw him. Anyway, I need to speak to your boss, so let me in."

Pino: "Get the fuck out of here!"

Guard 2: "Before we fill you up led!"

Zeldris rolled his eyes before he opened his right hand, his hand was a luminous white that indicated he was activating his curse. Suddenly the two guards stood prim once again before tucking their guns to the side. The large brown doors opened simultaneously inviting Zeldris in, Zeldris was confused..but he walked in, Zeldris's group followed behind. As they stepped in, there was red velvet carpet down the centre, large paintings of quite the handsome man and his family were spread out throughout the hall way. The group looks around as that walked straight, guards dressed in fancy suits and fedora's pointed the way toward their boss. Zeldris tucked his hands into his pockets as they had finally arrived.

As the group entered the room, there was a big black leather chair turned away from them. Zeldris stepped forward, there was a lady in quite the fancy outfit stood to the right of the chair, she looked toward the group cutting her eyes slightly and in quite the formation..mobsters stood in certain places in the room to stand guard. Phoebe gulped and the rest kept their guards up.

???: "Sit."

Quite the firm voice said from the chair. Zeldris scoffed slightly before sitting down, Cosmo stood up beside Zeldris and Tabitha, Ada and Phoebe sat down on either sides of Zeldris. Zeldris stared forward at the back of the chair, he wasn't nervous in the slightest..but he did keep his guard up at all times.

Chapter end!

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