Chapter 47: Lost Girl

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The scene opens when Zeldris and Tabitha walking down the paved stoned street, many buildings were locked off and boarded up due to the revolt and upheaval...the streets were not safe, the sounds of crying were heard along with people pleading to spare their family members.

Randon guy: "My brother, they killed-a my brother. You sons of a bitch!"

Tabitha felt pain in her heart..this was the result of conflict, everyone suffers a loss which takes a toll on them. Tabitha walked beside Zeldris before saying lowly.

Tabitha: "T-This is awful..why would someone do this..why would they go so far?"

Zeldris was unscathed by this, he stared forward before saying.

Zeldris: "Power, people will do anything to gain more ground and power, even kill their own to end up on top. It's sickening, but in the end what can you do?..death is irreversible and someone will have to go through loss."

That was ironic coming from Zeldris, but only he knew that.

Tabitha covered her ears to try to tune out the sounds of gunfire and the final screams of many people dying.

Zeldris: "Damn it, what does his daughter even look like?"

Zeldris scowled lowly before turning the corner with Tabitha. As the two turned the corner, crying was heard from the alleyway. Zeldris stopped for a moment before stepping forward, he looked down the narrow and dark alleyway before he cut his eyes.

Zeldris: "Ain't that the chick that bumped into me earlier?"

Tabitha: "Y-Yes..we should probably get her to safety."

Zeldris scoffed before walking down the alleyway with Tabitha, as the two got closer Zeldris held out his hand to her before saying.

Zeldris: "Alright, let's get you out of here. The streets aren't safe, if you couldn't tell by the sounds of gunfire and screams."

Tabitha: "Zeldris!"

The crying girl looked up as she rubbed her tears, she then stood up holding Zeldris's hand.

???: "You two should've just left's my fault all of this is happening to begin with."

Zeldris: "How the hell did you come to that conclusion?"

???: "You see, my father is an important person. I ran away from home and well..this happened."

Tabitha: "T-That's ridiculous! You running away couldn't of caused this're being too hard on yourself."

???: "Would you still be saying that..even if you had a premonition this would happen?"

Tabitha/Zeldris: "Premonition?"

???: "Yes...My curse allows me to predict the future to a certain extent. You will probably laugh..but I have a curse called the Grimoire heart."

The two stared blankly.

???: "You two didn't laugh..which means you're also cursed?!"

Zeldris/Tabitha: "Yes."

???: "I didn't give my name earlier..did I? name is Bella..Bella Barnardi."

Zeldris and Tabitha froze.

Zel/Tab: "EHHHH?!"

Zeldris: "You're the underground bosses daughter?!"

Tabitha: " I-It's a good thing you wasn't mean to her Zeldris...Zeldris?.."

Zeldris fell silent, his whole demeanour felt was a eery presence. Zeldris looked at Bella before saying lowly.

Zeldris: "So you predicted this would happen..right?"

Bella nodded.

Bella: " w-"

Suddenly Bella was cut off..she was punched in the face, Bella flew back and hit the wall. Her cheek was a bright red due to bruising. Tabitha had a face of shock, she then look and Zeldris before shouting.

Tabitha: "Are you insane?! Zeldris you just hit a girl..that and you hit the boss of the underground's daughter?! Do you have any idea what they will do to you?"

Zeldris gritted his teeth before saying.

Zeldris: "I could give less of a fuck! It's one thing to predict the future and be too useless to do a single thing, but I won't take that bullshit when you had all the power to stop this with no casualties!"

Bella: "W-What do you mean?"

Zeldris: "What do I mean?! While your people are out there dying, you decided to run away and hide away doing absolutely nothing! Not only that, your father can't even be aggressive to stop the unrelenting assault because he thinks the Cordriano's have you as a hostage!"

Zeldris grabbed the top of her beige dress before pulling her close to his face.

Zeldris: "You people piss me off the most, the type that could've saved countless lives but decided to squander everything and run away. SO MANY PEOPLE ARE DYING OUT THERE BECAUSE OF YOU, EVEN PEOPLE THAT ARE INNOCENT AND HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS! SO MANY DEATHS ARE ON YOUR HANDS BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO AFTAID TO SPEAK UP!!!!"

Tabitha: "Zeldris..calm down."

Zeldris let go of Bella before looking at her with pure disgust.

Zeldris: "Your weakness should bring shame upon your family, Bella."

Bella started to cry, she gripped the bottom of her dress before bursting out into tears.

Tabitha: "Zeldris, that was way too harsh!"

Zeldris: "Tell that to the hundreds of lives that are lost, not like it bothers me...but what pisses me off is the fact you have the power to stop all of this yet you rather cry and waste away even when your family is getting closer to their end."

Bella called out.

Bella: "It's true! I threw so many lives away..I ran away when I could've done something!"

Zeldris had a flashback..he began to remember when he ran away from his battle with Donny. His own fear was what killed him and his friends that day. Zeldris scoffed before turning around.

Bella got up before tackling Zeldris from behind, she then continuously slapped both his cheeks.

Bella: "Then tell me what I should do?! Tell me what I should've done! Since you can judge me so much what could I have possibly done?!"

Zeldris grabbed both of her wrists before rolling with her to the side and pinning her down.

Zeldris: "That's for you to figure out, you have the power to save lives. Don't waste that chance away, if I had your power I wouldn't even be here right now..I would've been able to save..tch forget it. This war is about taking down the Barnardi family, I don't know how long you want to be babied but you can't save everyone, it's war. Lives will be lost, people are going to die. If you have the power to stop the bloodshed, then do it. Figure out what you want to do, instead of crying and sitting in your own powerlessness. Get up!"

Bella wiped her tears with her hands before nodding. She had a face of determination before running, her red flat shoes slid against the paved stones as she made haste.

Tabitha: "Y-You could've handled that better.."

Zeldris: "I could've, but she needed it harsh for her to learn."

Tabitha: "O-Okay."

Zeldris: "We should get back to the battlefield, we need to help the Barnardi family before they're completely wiped out."

Tabitha nodded before following behind Zeldris, as they made their way to the battlefield they saw the chaos..people were being decapitated..many were getting the firing squad penalty. Zeldris scoffed before saying.

Zeldris: "This has to stop, now!"

Chapter end.

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