Chapter 50: The Enchanting Country!

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Time had passed since the recent scuffle. Zeldris and his allies were all worn out from the brawl, but that did not stop them from enjoying a new place to wash and gather new clothes. It was a relief to get out of the once sweaty and soiled garments they had on. The scene opens with the group sitting in the first class section of the plane. Zeldris was staring out at the window until he looked at the group having a sigh.

Zeldris: "I don't know how we made it out of there in one piece, guess it was a good thing having those two make an alliance with us."

Tabitha gripped the bottom of her black dress, the lace of her arm bands rubbed against the silk of her dress as she said.

Tabitha: "They risked their lives for us..I hope they are alright."

Phoebe jumped up before patting Tabitha on the back.

Phoebe: "They were strong! Cheer up Tabitha, I know they're okay!"

Cosmo walked up toward Tabitha before jumping in her lap and curling up. Tabitha felt a little relief before petting the cat gently.

Zeldris: "What was the deal with that woman? Her body was so weird, when bullets hit her they went right through..not even a single drop of blood, her body as just made up of light."

Tabitha: "I was so weird. However, when I hit her with one of my caused a lot of damage to her body. When she heard I had the shadow curse, she was so shocked."

Zeldris: "Probably because you're a direct counter..if that's the case. Since darkness and light can't really mix."

Phoebe: "Really?!"

Zeldris and Tabitha internally sighed at Phoebe.

Tabitha: "Wait a minute..has anyone seen Ada?"

Zeldris: "Oh, she's sitting in the next section."

The group peered through the corridor to see Avada sitting alone. Zeldris tucked his hands into his pockets before saying.

Zeldris: "Is there a reason you prefer to sit by yourself Ada? It's not like we smell or something, do we?"

Ada seemed slightly nervous, her usual happy demeanour seemed to change drastically. She seemed quiet..and contempt even more than usual, Ada looked up before saying.

Ada: "No..I'm quite alright, thank you all for checking up on me. I'll hopefully feel better once we land."

Zeldris looked back at the three, the three were concerned but Zeldris shrugged and said.

Zeldris: "Alright."

Zeldris and the group then walked toward the cockpit. Zeldris looked at the pilot before saying.

Zeldris: "How long until we get to France?"

Pilot: "Not long, we were only in Italy so it'll be a quick journey."

Zeldris: "Cool..wait, what does that red light mean?"

The pilot and Zeldris looked at the continuous beeping red light. The pilot cut his eyes before he let out a little shout in panic.

Pilot: "Shit! It means one of the wings were damaged, I have to go with protocol 23325!"

Zeldris: "You're just noticing this now!?"

Pilot: "Yes! It's not the flying that's the problem with this, it's the landing. Without the correct positioning we can end up landing tilted which can cause issues."

Zeldris: "What kind of pilot doesn't notice that?!"

Zeldris ran out of the cockpit before shouting.

Zeldris: "I'll deal with it! Damn it, I knew we should've taken the train."

Tabitha: "What's going on?!"

Zeldris: "An emergency landing!"

Phoebe/Tab/Ada: "Eh?!"

Zeldris ran over to the door before trying to pry it open.

Ada: "Zeldris, wait! If you open the door at the speed we are all travelling at we'll be sucked out!"

Tabitha: "Not to mention the dangerous fall from this altitude!"

Zeldris: "So then what the hell should we do?! I don't want to crash into the Eiffel Tower!"

Phoebe: "Wait, Zelly I have an idea!"

The four stared at Phoebe with blank expressions.

Phoebe: "What?.."

Zeldris: "Should we really trust Phoebe..with a few lives?"

Phoebe: "How mean Zelly!"

Tabitha: "We have no choice."

The pilot turned on the intercom.

Pilot: "This is your captain speaking...THE CRASH LANDING IS NOW IMMINENT! Stay calm and find that parachutes are located in the back."

Zeldris: "Shit, it's now or never. You're up Phoebe!"

Phoebe: "Alright!"

The plane got closer and closer to the ground, Phoebe stayed silent but a green and yellow aura surrounded her. She placed both her hand on the plane before calling out.

Phoebe: "Curse of Botany: Great cloud mushroom!!!"

As she called her spell out, the plane shook violently but immediately stopped. Zeldris was thrown forward and everyone landed on him squishing him slightly...the plane was stationary.

Ada: "Oh my..I did not know Phoebe had such a spell."

Zeldris: "What do you mean?.."

Pilot: "Attention appears the plane has landed on a giant mushroom. I repeat, the plane has landed on a giant mushroom..please watch your step."

Zeldris crawled out and looked out the window.

Zeldris: "Holy shit?!"

The plane was lodged in a giant mushroom that was over 100m tall. Zeldris looked at Phoebe that was passed out, he scoffed before saying.

Zeldris: "That must've took a lot out of her, we should rest when we get down there."

Tabitha: "Agreed."

The scene changed and the group were walking through the beautiful streets, they'd never seen anything so fancy before..beautiful art everywhere, fountains and a beautiful strawberry sunset.

Zeldris: "Now I see why they call this place the country of love. You'd be a dumbass to miss getting married here."

Tabitha: "I's so cute."

Tabitha mumbled, she looked down at Zeldris's hand before slapping both her own cheeks to snap herself out of such thoughts.

Ada: "I'm going on ahead to the hotel dears, I should unload my luggage."

Phoebe woke up slightly dazed, Cosmo was in human form as he placed her down.

Cosmo: "Meow!..Phoebe is awake Master!"

Tabitha: "That's a relief."

Zeldris: "Alright Ada, see you later."

Ada gave a soft smile before turning around to walk off. The group looked at each other before Tabitha said.

Tabitha: "Should we check on her?.."

Zeldris: "No, what she needs is time to herself."

Phoebe: "Okay..Zelly.."

An alluring aroma filled the air briefly, Cosmo licked his lips before he looked at Zeldris.

Cosmo: "I smell yummy food! Can we go Master?!"

Zeldris: "Sure, I've always wondered what the pastries are like here anyways."

Tabitha: "l-I'm coming too!"

Phoebe: "On my way Zelly!"

As the group walked off, the scene changed and focused on Avada. As she walked off, breaking apart from the group. She had a face of distraught, her smile faded as she leaned against the wall.

Ada: "I never thought...I'd ever comeback here.."

Chapter end!

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