Chapter 1

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“Will you marry me?”

Freen uttered nervously. She is on one knee in front of the person she loves, holding an extravagant oval diamond ring in between her fingers.

There was no answer from the woman wearing her ballet costume, her hands are covering her mouth, and her eyes are overly large.

Freen gulped. She is afraid that her girlfriend, Rebecca Armstrong is rejecting her. Well, Becky’s facial expression shows it all. Now, Freen is cursing herself, why did she choose to propose in front of all these people?

They are on the stage with a spotlight on their direction.

Freen looks up nervously, to meet the eyes of the person that meant the world to her and she smiled on what she sees and tears started to form in her eyes.

Becky’s eyes soften and tears started appearing as she slowly nods and says.


Freen breathes out in relief, plastering the smile of a champion. She puts the ring on Becky’s ring finger and took the time to appreciate the beauty of it, finally, it is in place to where it was intended to be.

Their hazelnut orbs met once again, glistening with tears of joy. Their smiles are the widest they can have. Becky’s smile shows her gums and that is one of the million reasons why Freen fell for Becky.

Freen finally stood up to seal this proposal with a warm kiss; she cups Becky’s cheeks using her warm palms but it gave a different effect on Becky.

Becky is taken aback as she feels cold sweats forming from the crown of her head, and as its drip down, it becomes ice beams freezing her whole being. Dropping her temperature to negative, she literally turned ice.

“Fffr-een there are people,” Becky struggles to deliver those words. If there is one thing that Becky hates the most that is; public display of affection, she did not like being touched in public, it is as if she feels that the stares of these strangers are eating her. They are judging her because of that one simple action, Becky is a very cautious girl as what her Daddy taught her.

“But you said yes! And I should kiss you!” A protest from Freen, it sounded childish and demanding. She normally understands her girlfriend’s issues and is willing to always compromise but today is different, they just become engaged. What is wrong with Freen expressing her affection to Becky in a kiss in front of these people.

Becky’s gaze went to another direction, she does not want to meet Freen’s hazelnut orbs this time. She is uncomfortable, no, that is an understatement, she is actually anxious. She has a social phobia characteristic, so as much as possible she wants to be discrete on her actions. She is a very reserved person.

“But you said yes!” Freen complaints once more almost crying like a child told that she is not allowed to get cookies from the cookie jar. She even stuck out her lower lip pretending that she is to cry.

Becky just kept her gaze on another direction feeling uncomfortable and did not say anything, until Freen complaints once again.


Freen shouts on the top of her lungs. She sounds frustrated and needy. She wiggles her body and then she realized something; she is no longer on the stage, there is no spotlight in her direction, she looks around her, she is sitting on their black couch inside the comfort of their apartment.

“It was just a dream.” Freen puts her palm on her forehead, she does not know if she will be happy or sad that it was just a dream. She had been wanting to ask Becky to marry her since their anniversary is coming. She knows it had just been a year but she had never been more sure in her life about this, about spending her lifetime with Becky.

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