Chapter 3

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“Why is Becky driving? Is she that lazy? Does she let Becky does all the chores?”

He ticks his tongue in disapproval.

“Now, she is letting Becky carry her own bag? What type of a person is she? How can Becky date her? She is very uncaring of my baby.”

He shakes his head in disapproval once again. He narrows his eyes and observes the feature of the girl beside his youngest daughter.

“What are you doing there David?”

The person holding his binoculars, shivers with the tone of the very familiar voice.

Commanding, imperial and authoritative that is the tone that he grew accustomed to, the tone of his wife, Rachel Armstrong.

“Nothing, I am just watching if the mouse fell into the trap I set up.”

David Armstrong answered facing his wife, displaying an awkward smile, hiding the view behind her. It is only Rachel who makes his feel that way.

Rachel narrows her eyes not believing the improv lie her husband made up.

They had been married for so long that she knows everything about David.

Rachel smirked before pulling the curtain on the side so she can have a clear view of what is outside the window.

“Omo! It is Becky! She is home.” Says Rachel excitedly, she holds on the arm of her wife.

David looks at her awkwardly, the same looks Becky gives Freen whenever the older one initiate skinship.

“Oh, she brought her girlfriend, aren’t they so lovely?”

Rachel cringes watching her daughter fixing Freen’s coat.

David rolls his eyes.

“Becky is totally infatuated with her,” David says in disagreement to his wife.

After he delivers that comment, their house turned Antarctic, he can feel the coldness that his wife delivers.

David gulps.

He slowly faces his wife.

“David Armstrong, you need to be good to her okay? Becky was very excited over the phone when she told us she is bringing her.” Says Rachel in her smile.

But David knows better; that behind that smile, lies the dragoness ready to be unleashed if she steps on the boundaries, but then again it is Becky they are talking about so Becky’s future matters more than his death at the hands of his own wife

They reached their doorway and before opening it, Rachel pays him a last warning look.

David’s face is callous.

The ray of sunlight covered their faces and like a shape shifter Rachel’s vibe changes, from threatening to welcoming.

“Aren’t you two lovely?!” Rachel calls with her deafening tone.

Everyone flinches.

“Mommy! Daddy!”

Becky calls excitedly, leaving Freen on the spot where she is glued at.

“Oh, My babyyy!”

David is the first one to welcome Becky with a tight embrace. He lifts her up and spins over.

“I miss you a lot, Becky”

David says before giving his daughter a peck on her forehead.

“I miss you too Daddy.”

To Marry an Armstrong[Freenbecky]Where stories live. Discover now