Chapter 18

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“Who would have thought that at this age I will be an instant celebrity?”

Rachel Armstrong announces proudly.

Charlotte raises her brow, she looks at her mother with a mocking expression.

It had been a year since she got married to the love of her life, Engfa.

Their wedding was out in public because Engfa is a famous prosecutor and because the first family attended their wedding.

Rachel glares to her oldest daughter.

“Yah! Charlotte! How I wish Kriesha will not get that from you,” Says Rachel shaking her head in disapproval.

She is pertaining to her granddaughter, Kriesha, Charlotte and Engfa’s baby girl. She is already two-month-old and everyone loves her so much.

“Oh, trust me, she won’t. Because I will never act as embarrassing like that,” Charlotte fires back.

“Excuse me. I am telling the truth! I am an instant celebrity, I have 100k followers in IG. Look at that!”

Rachel declares. She is showing her phone to Charlotte to prove that she is indeed an ‘instant celebrity’.

Well, who will not be when she shouts to her profile that she is the future mother in law of Nadech Kugimiya’s daughter.

There are a number of photos of Freen and Becky, together with Nadech and Yaya. Her IG account looks like a sasaeng’s account.

Chris is proud of her.

Charlotte shakes her head. Her mother is savage.

Rachel just rolls her eyes to Charlotte.

“Can the two of you please stop bickering? Hello, it is my wedding day today!”

Becky interjects. She is actually inside the room having her hair and makeup done.

“Oh, yes Becky dear. Let’s take a selfie after your makeup is all good, I will post it in IG for my followers.” Says Rachel excitedly.

“God Ma, you are spoiling the surprise to the whole nation, Becky’s look will be anticipated by a lot of people so please?” Charlotte sounds irritated.

Then Becky holds her hand. She knows that her older sister is a little too emotional right now.

Their eyes met and tears appeared.

Charlotte is undeniably happy for her little sister. She is not the type of person who is expressive and she suppresses her emotions most of the time for her family so moments like this makes her emotional.

But she is very touchy.

“Congratulations, you are finally getting married.” She says in a broken tone and opens her arms to hug Becky.

Becky did not say a word rather she leans to her sister for a long embrace. Good thing she is wearing a waterproof mascara so even when she cries her makeup will survive.

Rachel stopped taking selfies with Becky in the background.

She just watches her daughters embracing. This scene before her is her gem.

She took a snap chat and tears appear in her eyes too.

Charlotte sees her mother being emotional too.

Rachel cried a lot in Charlotte’s wedding but that is nothing compared to David, who cried a river and literally sobbed that time. He just loves his daughters so much.

“Come here,” Says Charlotte stretching her arms to welcome Rachel for a group hug.

Rachel’s shoulder starts to move up and down.

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