Chapter 6

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“Then Becky got mad at me. Isn’t that too much?”

Charlotte carps.

She is pouting, obviously, she is seeking for affection from the woman on her screen.

“Well, you should not have told your mom about her living with someone and you should not have asked her girlfriend if she told her about Mind.”

The person on the other line contradicts Charlotte.

Charlotte narrows her eyes childishly.

The person looks at her blankly.

“Yah! Engfa! I am your fiancé, should you not be siding with me?!”

Charlotte yowls.

It is transparent to Engfa’s face how much she enjoys the view of the annoyed Charlotte.

Charlotte narrowed her eyes more, sending daggers to her fiancé.

Engfa keeps her expression, preventing not to laugh.

“I hate you!” Charlotte pouts.

“I love you too,” Answers Engfa smiling.

Charlotte rolls her eyes but her cheeks are turning red.

“I am always on your side Honey, you know that. I am your light whenever you are drawn to the dark side.”

Engfa cleverly explains.

“But Becky should have told Freen about those things!”

Charlotte whines like a child still, not giving up on this argument.

“I know but, you know Becky… she is Becky.”

“I just don’t want her to get hurt.”

Charlotte looks in another direction as if admitting to Engfa that she cares about her sister is a fatal sin.

She is the kind of sister who tries to battle every single idea that Becky has just so Becky could show more of her feelings.

The type of sister who will spill the beans, not because she meant to hurt Becky but because she is proud of her.

She is one of the few people who understands Becky in many ways.

Though, they constantly oscillate between loving and hating one another, and getting to each other’s skin in a very special way.

Charlotte will be the first person in line to protect Becky and that is, one of the things that Engfa loves about her.

Engfa looks at Charlotte meaningfully.

It is evident in her eyes that she considers marrying Charlotte Armstrong as the best decision she had ever made in her life.

Charlotte meets her eyes and they smiled at each other.

Solemn, that is what covers the atmosphere.

“Show me your boobs hon, I am depressed and I need it.”

Charlotte grins evilly.

Engfa gives her a poker face.

… Charlotte just needs to ruin the moment.

“Please…” Charlotte rubs her palms together.

Engfa furrowed her eyebrows.

“I don’t want to!”

“Aish, Engfa!! If you don’t want I will show you mine then.” Charlotte says eagerly.

She looks at Engfa seductively and even started humming Careless whisper, ready to strip her clothes off.

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