Chapter 8

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"Lucky you, she did not run away."

Charlotte goads Becky.

She sees the three figures going down stairs in the particular order.

Engfa, Becky, and Freen.

Becky just rolls her eyes on the remark of her sister.

Freen smiles awkwardly looking at Charlotte.

She should have heard that advice of Charlotte earlier.

Charlotte snakes her arm on Engfa's as soon as the latter reaches her.

"Oh, there she is, the new Mind."

Chris looks at their direction, smiling to Freen. Thoughtless of his harsh remark.

Oh no, he didn't.

Freen wants to jump on top of whoever that guy is, and start a cat fight.

She could suppress all she wants but Mind is her ghost.

The mention of the name makes her angry, jealous, and insecure.

Even there had been an assurance from Becky, Freen cannot just not have those feelings.

"Papa, she has a name," Engfa says ascetically.

Freen looks at Engfa for their eyes to meet but Engfa looks in another direction.

There is an uneasy ambiance in between the two.

David caught that.

"Oh, I apologize for my consort. He is..." Mark pays a gaze on Freen.

“Wow,” He is amused in Freen’s appearance.

Becky clears her throat for Mark to stop looking at her blushing girlfriend.

Chris made a face and elbows his husband on the side stomach.

The latter glares at him then…

Mark refocuses on Freen.

He must admit Freen is charming.

Becky looks calm but there is something in her looks that is guarding Freen against Mark’s stare.

"Come on Freen, have a seat."

Rachel invites. They are still settled at the dining table having their breakfast.

"Ah, yeah.. thanks."

Freen says inwardly.

She knows she loves people.

She is an extrovert person. She enjoys social gatherings and she is very friendly.

But there is something about today, that seems not right.

She knows that it started from David’s unique way of waking people up, then Becky not giving her the magic medicine, and then.

Freen looks at Engfa again.

She shakes her head, it is definitely because Becky did not give her that magic medicine.

“Are you okay, Freen?” Asks Rachel in concern noticing Freen’s paler complexion.

“She is..”

“I am fine.” Freen beats Becky on answering for her.

“So, Freen, meet Engfa..”

“Charlotte’s fiancé. I know.” Freen cuts David off.

She knows she should have not because David could be suspecting something again about that action, and he is right because...

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