pain and joy

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So it's been forever sence I updated ... but right after wtiting the last chapter I found out I was expecting ... between pregnancy and teaching my stories got pushed aside ... now though I have a beautiful baby girl and am on summer break ... let the writing begin.... 🤞🫶 hopefully .....

The contractions were getting stronger the doctor said it wouldn't be long now. Jacob kept his promise and didn't les e my side ... the hours ticked by and as the sun started to set I new it was time to push , the doctor said on the next contraction push... I did over and over when I heard the cries of the first baby I cried Jacob's smile made my tired body awake ... the doctor announced its a boy , Jacob's eyes locked with mine his name will be jacob like his father.... my smile faded suddenly as another contraction racked my body .. the second baby was coming quickly.. I pushed again and again over and over until I heard cries again the wind baby was here... a girl .. I smiled up at Jacob.. Karli will be her name. He smiled and kissed my forehead as the Doctor finished Cleaning the babies.

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