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I didn't see Jacob for several weeks the doctor came back to check on me several times, and after each check up I would hear him and Jacob outside the door. Today though Jacob seemed furious like there was something very wrong he was short and rude to the doctor and once he had left jacob burst into my room... kassandra I... he pulled the small chair he had been sitting in the last time he was here to the bed, I love you and have sence we were children, but I..... he paused his hands shaking... I almost got you killed becuase I was unable to let you live your life ,.. he took in a long breath ....I want you here with me I want to be a part of this babies life he moved his hand to my now well rounded belly. It is almost Christmas and I want you to be by my side for the holiday party and then maybe for the rest of my life...
He was breathing hard and looked flush when he got all of it out I just giggled and said let's start with Christmas and see what happens.. but first I need to get out of this bed for more than a few minutes at a time. He smiled and took my hand helping me sit up. He smiled and rubbed where the night dress I was wearing had unbuttoned over my belly. " you have gotten quite round havnt you " I rolled my eyes " just what every girl wants to hear " looking at me apologetically he blushed and said " I meant you do not look under weight any more , you look healthy like you both are healthy, I like you like this you are happy and you give off a glow of some kind" I smiled at him and pulled his hand to my lips. Thank you Jacob.

The day wore on it was snowing out and jacob had someone come to the house to fit
me for a formal dress. The party was only a few days away and I felt like I had doubled in size in the last few days !!!

That night after the fitting Jacob came to his room where I had been sleeping and got in bed with me, at first I was startled but his words whispered In my ear calmed me instantly... kassandra it's me I was worried you would be cold by yourself I know how the wind can chi this room. Really he was right I had been cold so I snuggled my body into him his arm over my side hand resting on my belly.

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