the lake shore

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I had lied to my father when he caught me in the stables, I'd told him I was riding out to see a dear friend who had fallen ill  he nodded and said "don't be out to late" and let me go. I rode for about an hour and got to the medow just before sunset Jacob was there standing beside his horse waiting for me I could see the smile on his face as soon as he saw me I kicked my horse to go faster. Jacob helped me dismount and then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a kiss he kissed me for what seemed like an eternity and then pulled away "Kasandra I would like to touch you again like I did before if you want" this time I could speak and I answered swiftly "yes but we must be quick I have to be home before it gets to late" Jacob grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a groveof trees on the edge of the lake. Once we were in the trees he began to kiss my neck and my arms while his hands were busy u lacing my riding dress he had me naked in front of him in moments his eyes burned so bright I felt as if he was burning my image into his mind forever he came close to me as he walked around me he took one of my nipples between his fingers and pinched just enough to make it harden and pucker sending shivers of pleasure down my body and when he did the same to the other I mouned out his name "Jacob" he whispered a kiss along my neck and then walked around in front of me he dropped to his knees and slid his hand up my thigh until he was at my entrance he then slipped first one finger and then a second inside me which almost made my knees buckle from pleasure. He stood suddenly his finger now on my clit rubbing in circles I started to moun louder but his mouth was on mine and the moun was swallowed up by his kiss he helped  me lay down on the blanket he had spread out. He stood taking a step back and his eyes never leaving mine he began to undress his body tan and tonned from working the land most of his life he knelt down between my legs and spread them apart and guided his cock to my entrance and with one hard thrust was in me I cried out only to be silenced by his kiss again and again. He pushed in and out of me stretching me with each thrust over and over as I started to build I was going to orgazam soon if he kept at this pace but then so was he suddenly I was blown apart with the amount of pleasure I was feeling and at the same time I could here him rasping out my name as he came to climax.
We lay there together for a while spent and happy but this night couldn't last we couldn't stay like this he helped me dress and we went our separate ways...

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