1- Cowboy

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"Wait. Did you just see that?" Glenn asked, his voice tense.

Kyllian looked back over his shoulder and lowered his spray paint bottle. There wasn't really anything for him to do but pass time by fooling around with the old canisters he'd found on the rooftop. "No, but I heard a gunshot though." He replied with a shrug. "Did Merle get himself killed? Because that might actually work in our favor."

"No, there was this guy. He was on a horse. Ran right into a group of them."

Kyllian tossed the canister aside. This was something he had to see for himself. He stood next to Glenn and looked down over the edge of the roof to the street below. He couldn't see this guy Glenn had mentioned, or a horse for that matter. All he saw was a bunch of them feeding on something.

"I think they got him." Glenn admitted sadly.

"That's too bad." He sighed. "Would've loved to meet the mad man that ran into a group of them, who does such a thing?" He cracked a smile. He couldn't quite pinpoint why he enjoyed it so much, but he did.

"Don't smile. A man just died!" He scolded. "And says the guy I met whilst he was covered in blood."

The next second a muffled gunshot rang out. It came from the street down below. They both realized it could only come from one place, the tank in the middle of the street. Not a second later a man popped his head out top. He went back inside just as fast as he'd gone up because the sick ones started to climb on top.

"Oh, my god." Kyllian laughed. "That guy's crafty. I think I like him."

"He is still stuck. He won't be able to get out of there on his own." Glenn spoke incredibly fast. His brain was already rattling for a way they could help this stranger.

"That tank must have some sort of radio in it, right?" He thought out loud.

"The walkie!" Glenn realized straight away. He got it out and fumbled with the frequency till he figured he found the right one. "Hey, you. Dumbass." He began.

"Dumbass." Kyllian chuckled to himself. He would've gone for Cowboy instead.

Glenn rolled his eyes before he continued, "yeah, you in the tank. Cozy in there?" It remained silent on the other end. He frowned deeply and decided to give it one last chance, "hey, are you alive in there?"

"Hello? Hello?" The man pleaded frantically from the otherside. His voice came out somewhat disoriented and crackly through the walkie-talkie.

"There you are. You had us wondering." He and Kyllian both felt relieved. This was the first time they'd found someone alive since Glenn had found him.

"Where are you? Outside? Can you see me right now?" He was still speaking frantically and fast.

"Yeah, we can see you. You're surrounded by walkers. That's the bad news." Glenn tried to sound as positive as he could muster.

"There's good news?"

He bit his lip for a second, "no."

"Listen, whoever you are, I don't mind telling you I'm a little concerned in here."

"Oh, man. You should see it from over here." Glenn joked.

"Give me that." Kyllian snapped at him. "You're scaring him. He quickly tore the walkie from his hands to speak for himself. "He's scared, you have to be gentle with him."

"I can joke a little bit." He objected.

Kyllian brought the walkie up to his mouth, "all he's trying to say is that there's a lot of them and it's gonna be difficult to get you out, but we're going to help you." He tried his best to sound authoritative and calm.

At the end of the world- A walking dead fanfic, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now