2- Misshapen

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Getting himself into fights had been Kyllian's problem as a teen and led to many conversations with his dad being disappointed in him. Disappointment always seemed to sting worse than anger. It was those fights that had gotten him expelled from two separate highschools. That was why he left the fight now. Glenn came racing after him almost immediately.

"Dude, they need your help. Merle's going to kill someone!" He yelled down the stairs, panicked.

Kyllian turned around with a grunt, this was the exact thing he wanted to prevent. He ran back up the stairs. Before he could pull the shotgun on Merle again, Glenn yanked it from his hands. He didn't want his somewhat mentally unstable friend to do something that stupid.

With no gun as a means to stop Merle from killing any of them, there was really only one thing to do for Kyllian; try to knock his ass out. Merle was beating T-Dog up. Kyllian used that as a distraction to land a blow square on Merle's jaw and he staggered back. He took a second to steady himself and renewed his fight, turning on Kyllian now.

Kyllian tried to land another blow but instead he was knocked to the ground. On his way down he hit his shoulder on the large metal pipe that ran across the roof. He felt his shoulder pop once it made contact and could immediately tell something was wrong. The pain lit his nerves on fire. It was hot and flowed from his shoulder, seeping all the way down to his fingertips. He managed to sit up and let out a pained wail. Something was seriously wrong. It didn't feel right. It felt wrong. It felt out of place.

Everyone was still yelling, screaming for Merle to cut it out. Kyllian couldn't hear it, the pain was too much for him to focus properly. He only noticed that the fight was over when Glenn's face popped into view.

"Hey, man, you alright?" He asked as he sat down in front of him.

Rick cuffed Merle to the roof and Jacqui took care of T-Dog's swollen face. Kyllian hadn't fully caught Glenn's words. He was hunched over on himself, protecting his hurt shoulder out of instinct. Glenn r eached out and carefully touched his good shoulder, barely brushing his fingers past it. But it was enough for Kyllian to scream out in pain again because it sent a shock through his system. He took a couple deep breaths to recollect himself.

"My shoulder. It is dislocated." He finally managed to say. He shifted slightly to show how mangled and misshapen his shoulder looked.

"We have to set it, right? That's what you're supposed to do." Glenn asked, stressed. His shoulder, looking the way it did, scared him. It looked so wrong.

"No." Kyllian shook his head. This wasn't the first time he'd dislocated his shoulder. It had happened for the first time when he was 12 and fell off his bike. Since then it had happened more and more, almost like his joint was weaker now. "Putting it back in wrong might do more harm than good. My mom's a nurse, she can help."

"But then we have to make it back to camp first. I mean, it hurts now. Will you be alright?" His voice was laced with concern.

Kyllian laughed. "I'll have to be." He held his good arm out. "Help me up." He urged and Glenn pulled him back up to his feet. Kyllian cradled his hurt arm carefully and noticed that Glenn was still really concerned. "I've dislocated my shoulder before, I'll be fine." He promised. He looked to the side. "Did Rick just cuff Merle to that pipe?"

"Yes." Glenn nodded.

"How's that signal?" Morales asked T-Dog because everything had calmed down now.

"It's like Dixon's brain... weak." He replied, only to take another jab at Merle. It earned him a cackle from Kyllian and a middle finger from Merle.

"Keep trying." Morales urged. "We might get a better signal."

At the end of the world- A walking dead fanfic, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now