Chapter 6: Fake Death for Real Life

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As the kids were dreaming of future life in Inverness, Thomas realized if any reporters, Megaman's diehard fans or even worse, Paparazzis still wonder the about the twins, there would be no any moment of peace for them, disturbing their lives. Thankfully, in all interviews and vintages of the twins, their were fully in their armor, and no further footage after the final war: they even have not left this house in Hammersmith after their recovery, hence no one had saw them for months, even their neighbours had not see them without any armor. Nevertheless, if the question remains, curiousity will never disappear.

"So... could you do our family a favor, my friends?" The old doctor made his request sincerely?

"Yes, professor?" Said Mr.Badav, the minister for electricity for the council.

"Could you all guests keep it a secret the fact that my twins are still alive, tell everyone Megaman and Hypergal are dead?"

Twins first gasped, but they realized this is necessary for their future to do such lie.

Zeider, who had finished his 2nd glass of milk, stood up and said: " Well, it seems this breakfast session is far more than celebration, but also very important for our best friends. As the chair of the administration council, I suggest Miss Zewami to draft a document, to let the real identity and status of Megaman and Hypergal, along with conversation details in the meeting be a national top secret, every guests here to sign up,vows to keep it secret otherwise would be arrested! The heroes ought to get their deserved reward!"

Zewami took out the official document paper, drafting the act, as she suggested: "The key of the confidentiality is to end media's curiousity about them. Why not you administration council and doctor make an official death announcement to stop their speculation?" 

Zheng Zhong-li added on, with the bread in his mouth:" To make their death more real, there is supposed to be a national funeral for days, with their fake bodies laid in state. Could your secret agents' diguise department to make their fake bodies?"

"No problem! Doctor, give us your twin's body figures and the original armor, we would complete the job within 72 hours." Walsingham said in great confidence.

"I'll send you those after I disarmed them this afternoon."


Zeider let every guest to put their signatures on the drafted confidential paper. Generals voluntarily first, forgetting what happened in the breakfast; Then Lights; Kalinka was the first guest to signed on the paper, with Natshenka second one; The top agents were the last before sealing the fully signed document in a top security bag.

After breakfast, as all the guests had left with top secret not to be leaked, Light started to disarm Rock and Roll in advance. To be successful, Rock and Roll were forced into sleeper mode, which disabled all their senses and movements, leaving their mind "hibernated", so he can uninstall all built-in devices for battling, eradicate their battling patterns and adjust the bodies back in original set.

When the twins were fully reactivated, what they saw first were each other's lovely eyes. They felt their arms, and feet, were different. 

"What... My arms were lighter and thinner! And my shoe-feet seems have no jets anymore!" Yelled Roll.

"So did I... what happened?" Rock asked.

Doctor Light smiled, pointed at the table next o the operation desk they had laid on, and they saw all the mechanisms for fighting were laid on there. "That's all, disarmament job finished." He passed the blue helmet to the former blue bomber. "How do you feel?"

"I.." Rock gently touched his old helmet, reminding the ups and downs of him and his sister over the past years. But now, that's over. "That was interesting in the past... We fought for peace with  so many sacrifice, and as the peace has come to the world.. Time to have our own peace now, and let the former days gone forever. No Megaman and Hypergal anymore, just me Rock and Roll." 

He put the helmet into the box to be sent to the security department, along all other things to be delivered. As the department took it away, Rock and Roll embraced together, crying together, and tears dropped from old man's face.

It was the joy of relief: Their pain in the years had all gone. Their war finally ended.

When they looked at the sky in dusk, the sun sank into the horizon in the colorful clouds. When the sun awaked tomorrow, the Lights would embrace their own sunny days.

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