Loosing Everything Means Losing Everything

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Marian's POV

The past week was the darkest age in werewolves history. Many claim they saw a monster, a red, big monster. I can't confirm it myself but I just know because rouges has been pestering me to let them join my pack.

They say that outside a pack's territory was now impossible to live. At first I didn't believe them and rejected them and drove them out. It was natural to do so. They love the wilderness, too much loved it that they roam freely and sometimes even attack a pack for fun.

Then later on, many more rouges has been camping not even near the border but inside the border. That was an alarming event for a pack. It could mean an attack. I stormed myself and other pack members to their location to battle them out but when I arrived, I saw their faces a sign of relief. It felt weird. The same rouges who murder just for fun is begging to join my pack, even going for punishment as long as they can live inside the pack.

It lifted my mood knowing that rouges had finally behave theirselves. I told them to wait a bit longer for me to discuss and made a decision. I left many of pack soldiers to watch over them but they just stayed. They behaved like pups, just being glad that I considered their proposal. On the night I called off the guards, so I could evaluate their credibility, I have not been given the chance. When I reached them, all of them were lying down, torn and unrecognizable. Legs were all over the place, arms,head, eyes, and a single rouge hanging at the tree with only one leg left, his eyes were pierced by something sharp and pointed. He was barely alive and barely breathing. He was only able to tell what happened then fell dead.

"He has come. The nightmare outside is wiping us out. He is.... A monster.. Alpha.. Please... Just one thing I request, don't bury me or my friends outside the border, bury us in your lands. I don't want him to step on our graves.. Jack... Has.. Return...dd." that was his last words.

I sent, many messengers to other packs about the situation. They were having the same problem. Rouges want to join their packs. They even cut an arm to prove no harm or let the soldiers beat them up. Then when the guards were not present watching them, the next thing they saw was a pool of gruesome bodies. Torn limbs to limbs and a single rouge to spread the terror. All was saying a gigantic monster was responsible. There is no way we won't know if there is such a creature, we stood at the top of the chain. We were the hunters not the hunted. The rouges will always tell that no rouge is out there even in human cities to hide. They claim it was Jack but they know as much as I am that Jack was just a legend.

They days became more hectic, more rouge swarm in my territory with the same intention, to join. I don't know why they want to be inside but they claim that the monster don't go inside the pack.

That statement worried me, it means that this one was intelligent. He knows when to strike and instill fear to everybody. Suddenly I remembered one person.


My thoughts wander in the sky. Asking myself.. Is he ok out there? Where is he right now? How did a wolf is in him? How will he survive out there when many is squirming and swarming to go inside a pack? Is there a pack that will accept him? Even if they know he was excommunicated and technically a rouge now? This many question has been burdening me. I pity the rouges but I can't let them in. They were rouges and many of them were criminal. I can't endanger my pack for them.

Then I realized, if he was with the rouges, nobody will let him inside the pack the same as I do for the pack's safety. That means he is in constant danger. How I wish that I didn't kick him out. He was so defenseless right now but somehow made a relief to me. He has no wolf so maybe he is in a human city.

Then a report came. They said they have tracked the monster's den. I rushed quickly for an emergency meeting. I know by eliminating this monster will ensure the safety of our packs and every werewolves.

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