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Kenneth's Pov

I went out for a walk. It really ticks me off when Myla was mad like that. In the first place, that alpha was the root of this but now she was playing like the damsel in distress.

I stormed off the school grounds after being chased out by her. I can feel my wolf was blaming Marian. I can't blame him though. She just showed a side of us that should be kept until time was right.

Now I'm back to square one. I have been doing good lately not angering her and slowly opening up to her but now seem a bit problematic. I can see in her eyes earlier that she was furious but there is also something good. Her wolf nearly surfaced. That is the best progress so far even if it come from anger and not affection.

I was driving myself aimlessly. Not having a place in mind. I just let the scenery take me to where my body would want. The nature has always been a best friend of mine. It keeps my mind blank of all the worries and problems.

I carelessly wandered and did not noticed I was out of the Black Wood's territory. Its the first time I drifted here. The roads were deserted and long. The woods seem to be dancing gracefully which I find relaxing. I enjoyed the view and the drift as I speed up the road.

After a few hours of drifting I sensed some wolf approaching. There were 10 of them as I can tell.

Maybe they were the one that owns these lands. It somehow made me look into it though. What pack is here again? Are they strong? Maybe I should play a prank on them cause I am not in the mood for a fight after the relaxing scenery I went through.

I pulled out on the side of the road. I pictured them in my head. After a dew seconds, their image is on my head. I saw their alpha instantly. He was a big man and was well built in terms of physique like how an alpha should be. They were running towards my direction fast as they formed theirselves. I felt a grin on my face. It is fun making them frantic as if there is a rouge in his territory.

Then I began to move my plans. I pictured out there were threads on their heads that were connected to me and then I began to speak.

"Good day to you mutts. Am I disturbing?" I said as I laughed playfully.

They froze upon hearing me. I bet they never experienced a forceful mind link from a stranger. They stop running and began to shift on their wolves. Honestly when they became scared they always rely on their wolves which I find funny.

They began to realize that I was not around their area and started to speak back to me. Their Alpha made the first contact.

"Who are you rouge? Why are you in my lands?" he asked but I can feel something about him was amused or somehow expecting something.

I smiled at the thought that he was playing cool with me. I did not reply and started off the engine again and drive slowly along the beautiful road.

He contacted a few more times as he ran again towards me. I was smiling like a mad person letting a group of pups chase after me.

When he seem to be annoying by raising his voice and being really cocky, I pictured their threads to be cut and there they go. Their links were gone and smiled at the thought of them being pissed.

I continued to watch them as they gain distance on me. Of course a wolf is faster than a car even if I hit the gas hard but I was not. I was driving slowly as possible. It was a mere prank on the first place. No use of being wary of serious about it.

When I saw them at the front road, I waved at them like I was a celebrity. I can see 7 of them and I expect the other 3 was on lookout and at the back.

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